Cat_mioux's new home

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Cat_mioux's new home

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Cat not meaning to trivialise your work issues but from what people are saying this is what is happening everywhere. Management are so out of touch with what really needs to be done to run productively and efficiently whilst keeping staff satisfied and motivated.  My hubby works in a very large environement 3500 workers, he is in middle management and is consistently venting about the silly decisions made from those above and how out of touch they are with what happens at the grass roots levels. And yes they expect more and more time at work for no extra pay, he even lost a weeks holiday when promoted, Gee that was a great reward, and he has to go into training sessions and meetings on his days off. All this as thanks for 26years service, if he knew then what he knows now he would never have taken the promotion. So I guess what I am saying is even if you left its pretty much the same elsewhere.

Message 8431 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Matega ๐Ÿ˜ž   It's knowing most work places would be similiar is what stops me looking for another job. I wouldn't want to end up in a much worse position.

I'd love to be self employed. I could manage to earn $100 a week using my skills but that's not enough to support myself nor would it be a guaranteed income. I never wanted to work full time at my job. I was working part time until Mr Ex left.

*cat buys another tatts ticket*

Message 8432 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Hi all, Higs and Hugs.

Quietly supporting all who need a bit of love and cuddles.

Message 8433 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Hi everyone - hi Kylie.


Just want to send some hugs ((())) and hope everything turns out right for you.


If you know in your heart that you both are not compatible now he is showing his true colours, time to make some decisions.


Knowing what a great mum you have always been and the great family support you have, I know you will make the right ones.


Out of curiosity, what do your family think of him?


Look after yourself and those beautiful children.  โ™ฅ



Sadly after knowing him for 7 years I have come to realise that we are NOT right for each other and actually bring out the worst in each other.


We have been on and off many times over those 7 years and each time I took him back was a lot of pity involved.

I have supported and encouraged him to better himself and his life and he has taken taken taken and barely given anything in return.


I know that people only treat you the way you let them, and I see my fault in this situation.


My family like him, they are only supportive as long as he does the right thing by me & the kids, so I tend to keep a lot to myself so they dont have a poor opinion of him.

Any decision I make, they will 100% support as they know how sensible I am and how the kids are my life and I will continue to do what is best for them (and myself).



Message 8434 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home


Hugs Kylie... But this statement/belief never works.




I actually know this too, but I REALLY REALLY believed it would be good for him!

One of the hardest decisions of my life was to have a baby at 40y/o, and I am sad that she will not be brought up with both her parents under 1 roof, but I truely feel she will trun out better for it!

Surely it cant be good to be in a "war zone" for most of your childhood- as my husband knows FULL WELL as that was his life!!! ๐Ÿ˜ž

Message 8435 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Sorry to post & run, but I have to leave work and go to mums cos Sammy is not very well, and mum is a bit concerned...


Things have gotten waaay worse in my house and the final straw for me was yesterday I came home from work to find hubs had set the kitchen on fire due to blatant negligence! Both kids were in danger esp Mr 13 who's bedroom is next to kitchen (he was first on scene)

The damage is minimal and the clean up is big, no harm actually to the kids, but I am furious and devistated for them to be in that situation!!


Oh, and he knows how I would be because he demanded that the kids WERE NOT to tell me about it as I would kick him out and he'd be stuffed! X-(

That makes me more furious than the actual fire..... my kids should feel free to tell me ANYTHING!!!!!!!! (not the first time he's tried to stop them "dobbing" on him as he puts it!!!)


Will try to get back later....

I got an ipad from my family for my bday but I cant get into the forums at all from it! So I have been only getting on at work!!



HUGS to everyone who needs them. XXX

Message 8436 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

(((HUGS))) Kylie - so sorry to hear of all your problems. wishso much  there was something uselful I could do to help.โ™ฅ:-x

Message 8437 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

OMG Kylie, is your hubby a man or a child????

Telling the children not to "dob on him" Yikes!!!!X-(

I am sorry to say this honey but it is time to show him the door.

How on earth could you ever trust him with the safety of your kids???  When he is more concerned about getting in trouble than he is about the welfare of the kids. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

**Waves a quick hello to every one who visits this thread** :-x

"Something wicked this way comes!"
Message 8438 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

I know witches, it's not that easy, he won't let me go!
I know it sounds ridiculous but he's so manipulative, and he fobs me off telling me that "he wants to work on our relationship"
I've tried to explain that it takes 2 to "work" on something like that and I'm worn out and can't do it anymore. Truly I've given him dozens of chances and he always always reverts back, if I can get him to move out it is the 4th (and final) time in our relationship!

He also throws in my face that I can't just leave cos we are "married..... For better or worse, and I have to accept that he is so tired"

"tired" is his excuse for EVERY action, I mean everything that he breaks, stuffs, burns, forgets, speaks rude to, neglects,
Sometimes I feel like I'm with a dementia patient, he's got no clue, gone down hill so badly over the years....... And he's 9 years younger than me!!!!! My dad and pop have more energy and interest in life than him!

I'm beyond frustrated, I have had enough of him being so dependent, I feel like I have 4 children not 3, but he''s like a special needs child, so demanding!
He's been worse since the baby arrived, like a jealous child doing negative/naughty things to get my attention.

Worst thing is that he guilts me so badly with emails and texts declaring his undying love and he'll do anything to make it up......... Like he's done every time before.
Message 8439 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home


Of course he try to "reel" you back in and when he's comfortable your back he'll revert to his old ways.

I also can't believe he told your kids not to "dob" on him ๐Ÿ˜ž  How dare he encourage your children to keep secrets from you.

A friend of mine is going through something similar. He'll be a no nads to her then she cracks it then he starts his crying and saying sorry so she forgives him then it happens all over again a few weeks later. She's had enough and is now trying to find the courage to leave. But we have been through this many many times. ๐Ÿ˜ž

Hugs to everyone โ™ฅ

Message 8440 of 10,121
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