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Evening Lovelies, Long time since I've popped in to ask a question - but here I am. A friend had asked us to sell 2 Raymond Savignac framed prints for her. One is the war of the buttons print and it is huge - It's over 5 feet tall framed, new it cost...
Ok so some bright spark has suggested the Gov look at asset testing the family home. So let's pretend that the fist $500K is exempt and anything over that is considered an asset.So now pretend that my home is valued at $700K which is $200K over the e...
Just wondering if it is worth joning Campbells Cash & Carry. Hubby and I both have ABN's so it's not a problem to join but I am wondering if they are really cheaper than regular stores? Any info would be appreciated. TIA
What I mean is beyond paying your regular bills and mortgage do you put off doing things like O/S trips and stuff now thinking that with luck you'll have the money and good health to do it when you retire? Thus making it a long term plan. Or do you t...
Having a chat with a few girlfriends ~ talking about all the stuff we need to get done before Christmas and all but 1 said they now don't bother with Christmas Cards anymore. The common expression was "Who's got the time to sit and write cards these ...