Cat_mioux's new home

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Cat_mioux's new home

Community Member
Cat, when he goes to sleep go and put some prawns in the airvents in his car and linament in his jocks]:)
Message 31 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Do you have a wire coathanger? Unbend one and poke that down, or better still, go underneath the sink and loosen the fittings on the u bend part and you'll be able to remove it and have a good look. Put a bucket underneath first to catch any spills.

Alternatively, tip a heap of bicarb soda down there, boil the kettle and tip that down. Bicarb cures lots of blockages in my house.
Message 32 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Community Member
Dear Ms Cat,
I couldnt agree more with Ms great-she-elephant.

I know I have said it before,and I hope Im not being a pest, but please keep the focus on you.

Thats what you can do-give yourself time and attention..

Im not trying to be hurtful-but Mr is not your an old friend of mine used to say in circumstances quite similar to yours-'Mr is out of the picture!'

I hope you are travelling well,and wish you lots of calm thoughts and clarity.

PS Nice place you have here,I just noticed-Could I have a G&T?mmm that would be nice !;-)
Message 33 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Looks all innocent :^O looks like the name has stuck ROTFLMFAO
Message 34 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

The rat's bit of fluff on the side, probably chose the saxaphone player statue for him.
He then thought, "WTH do I do with it? I know, pretend I bought it & give it to Mrs Cat"

:^O Like the roses he bought me while declaring his love to his skank. They are no longer my favourite flower *insert puke here*

Hmm garden hose. Him I think. And of course the lawn mower but I had one before him and he threw it it for a new one.

I better get a goat ...
Message 35 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Community Member
Go to one of those joke shops and buy some old fashioned itching powder. Sprinkle it in his jocks.......he'll be scratching like crazy and think he's caught something from her;-)
Message 36 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Don't doubt yourself cat, you don't need to rely on anyone but yourself to get through life. Go fix that blockage!!

I've had to pull up my front veranda on my 2 1/2 year old house and replace the bearers and some of the decking that was rotten after the builder refused to fix it.X-( I've installed a doggy door and improved the garden with new beds and garden edging which I installed myself. I've fixed the blown globes in the car lights and got the lawn mower going once when it wouldn't start.
I love having a crack at things myself and fixing them, it's kinda like giving the bird to 'them', coz haha see I can do it by myself. I'm just a nurse, but I''ve developed so many new skills having to be the responsible parent and from having no option but to have a go myself.
Message 37 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Dear Ms Cat,
I couldnt agree more with Ms great-she-elephant.

I know I have said it before,and I hope Im not being a pest, but please keep the focus on you.

Thats what you can do-give yourself time and attention..

Im not trying to be hurtful-but Mr is not your an old friend of mine used to say in circumstances quite similar to yours-'Mr is out of the picture!'

I hope you are travelling well,and wish you lots of calm thoughts and clarity.

PS Nice place you have here,I just noticed-Could I have a G&T?mmm that would be nice !;-)

*cat rushes out for Gin for dtrh3* :-x

Please keep reminding he is my past, not my future. I have to let him go! I'm so used to caring for him, talking to him, supporting him, feeding him .. it was SO HARD to stop myself asking if he wanted a cheese roll today. *rolls eyes*.

Yet he hasn't even once asked me how I am during this whole ordeal. *slaps own forehead*.
Message 38 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

meh, forget them. The sooner you realise they aren't worth it the better off you'll be.

You are the better person.
Message 39 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Go to one of those joke shops and buy some old fashioned itching powder. Sprinkle it in his jocks.......he'll be scratching like crazy and think he's caught something from her;-)

eww! I just found out today he spent hours with her on Sat when he was supposed to be thinking about 'us'. That was the one thing I asked him not to do on the weekend. Not contact her. So he does one better and visits her. ๐Ÿ˜
Message 40 of 10,121
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