on 30-11-2013 07:25 PM
Weather Engineering
GeoEngineering.............it's real....it's happening..........just look out your window..............open your eyes and look up.
Seriously, if you notice unusual 'cloud formations' or unexplained/unusual skies.............'chemtrail activity' in your area then this thread is here to report what you see, describe what unusual weather patterns you are experiencing...
Debate and discuss.
Solved! Go to Solution.
on 04-12-2013 02:14 PM
No intelligent person could view that video and believe they are seeing metal fallout.......what proof do you have it is....none.
Gullible fools believe in conspiracy theories.....you clearly enjoy yours......
on 04-12-2013 02:22 PM
@paintsew007 wrote:ref.
.....these following 2 videos blatantly and clearly show chemtrailing from aircraft and fallout from a 'spraying', both vids taken in Ireland. First video show chemtrails being laid from a large aircraft in a 'grid' where one chemtrailed 'layer' has already been laid.....then this aircraft seems to be laying gridlines to form a 2nd layer above the first already laid layer.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGCdfUNLcVU .....7:36 mins long - I have asked monman to comment on this footage, he refuses.....so am assuming that this is real and he either does not want to acknowledge because this is just too confronting for a retired pilot to contemplate. My heart and compassion does honestly go out to monman. I nor others on here would blame individuals like monman for this sort of activity. There are good and bad. It is all about 'choice'.
I believe you are 'good' people monnie....but this footage is indicative of what is being reported and filmed globally. In Australia we are to look forward to more intense chemtrailing?....and heaven help us.....'fallout' stuff?! I hope not
again in Ireland.....this video shows 'fallout' from an early morning 'spraying'
.....these following 2 videos blatantly and clearly show chemtrailing from aircraft and fallout from a 'spraying', both vids taken in Ireland. First video show chemtrails being laid from a large aircraft in a 'grid' where one chemtrailed 'layer' has already been laid.....then this aircraft seems to be laying gridlines to form a 2nd layer above the first already laid layer.
Why do think these chemtrails are contrails here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGCdfUNLcVU .....7:36 mins long....I mean why would jets make these 'grid-like' efforts above a town like Dublin? These are NOT evidence of contrails.
........do you have any comment/s to make other than to 'titter' or say *giggle* siggs?.........especially in regards to the 'fallout'
from a chemtrail 'spraying' here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pP_nUDMoAKE ....3:11 mins long
Youtube videos DO NOT PROVE the existence of chemtrails
The only proVe the existence of people who BELIEVE that what they are seeing are chemtrails.
on 04-12-2013 02:30 PM
@paintsew007 wrote:
@paintsew007 wrote:Chemtrailing over Melbourne http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7NukmDo1Kk
Chemtrails are not working in Australia 2013 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mBo303VoBU
Youtube videos do not prove that the trails being photographed are chemtrails
They only prove that the people shooting the videos CLAIM they are chemtrails.
and where are your qualifications sheheffalump?....are u a p/timer with ASIO or something?
Clearly you don't understand my argument.
A video of a trail left in the sky by a plane cannot - of itself - prove anything. It can only show what may appear to some viewers to be a chemtrail. Assuming that the footage is genuine, one would still need a chemical analysis of a sample taken from the trail to PROVE that it contained chemicals.
on 04-12-2013 02:39 PM
Chemtrails In Australia 2010-2013 (Part One) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDX_gxGBnUg
Chemtrails In Australia Part Two http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TUf6v_xvBk
on 04-12-2013 02:49 PM
Only someone with a chemtrail agenda would take a video of a perfectly innocent plane with contrails and turn this into some sinister plot. That was a nice video, lovely blue sky, lovely well-defined contrails.
Not that I value Wiki overly much, but contrails are nicely summed up here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contrail and gee - they look a lot like those in the clip. But I suppose those harbouring a chemtrail agenda would pooh-pooh that - obviously they are chemtrails, everyone's being duped by the NWO.
I noted with some interest that even back in 1944 the USAF B-17's had them (contrails that is) .. I wonder if they were laying their sinister payload of bio-warfare before they dropped a few ton of HE bombs ? Talk about adding insult to injury.
on 04-12-2013 02:50 PM
ref she heffalump: Clearly you don't understand my argument.
A video of a trail left in the sky by a plane cannot - of itself - prove anything. It can only show what may appear to some viewers to be a chemtrail. Assuming that the footage is genuine, one would still need a chemical analysis of a sample taken from the trail to PROVE that it contained chemicals.
.....a lil' birdie tells me that the samples tested by a verified laboratory would not be accepted by yourself
.........besides, you are not qualified in either your opinion nor as a laboratory technician....are you?
on 04-12-2013 02:53 PM
to pcwine : well, they must be contrails because you, in your qualified state state that they are! *wow
on 04-12-2013 02:56 PM
on 04-12-2013 03:08 PM
Neither.....it's called Photoshop.
on 04-12-2013 03:16 PM
Are we there yet?