A Qantas airplane at 35,000 feet dispensing its Chemical payload over Melbourne.
By Peter Kusznir
There is a great concern throughout the world that Government organized Geo-Engineering is affecting the health of all humanity. After 2 years of intense research, I have come to the conclusion that our Government, together with virtually all International Airlines flying over Australian air space, is conducting a highly organized daily system of Chemtrail spraying over our major towns and cities.
The Media BlackoutWhat is most concerning about this agenda is that no government body or mainstream media is talking about it. All relevant government bodies are either flatly denying its existence or pleading complete ignorance. The carefully censored mainstream media has briefly mentioned the topic along the lines of way out and nutty conspiracy theories. Otherwise there is a complete blackout on serious discussion in all mainstream media. The complete secrecy can only mean something very massive is in process and the Chemtrail perpetrators are afraid of revealing the truth.
Whatever the reason for this spraying, it is beyond belief that we are not told why it is going on.
Chemtrails are not to be confused with normal Aircraft Contrails which usually disperse within a few seconds. Chemtrails can linger anywhere from minutes to hours to almost 48 hours. This is dependent upon the chemtrail contents and the weather conditions.
Look at the sky todayLook at the sky today; it is nothing like it used to be. Normal clouds are either being smothered or replaced by whispy fake clouds and upper level fog that appears from nowhere. The reason they can just appear from nowhere is that they are sprayed at a height three times higher than normal clouds. Usually from over 30,000 feet, slowly descending and become invisible at normal cloud height of 10,000 feet. These fake clouds are made up of toxic aerosols which include Aluminum Oxide, Barium and Strontium.
No human body should be breathing in these metals at the concentrated levels recorded in samples from air, soil and water. Aluminum Oxide has been directly linked to the degenerative brain diseases; Barium has been shown to cause Hypertension and; Strontium is extremely carcinogenic (cancer forming). It is no wonder there is an alarming increase in the last decade of illnesses such as Alzheimer’s, Asthma and other Respiratory problems.
Major Commercial AirlinesMajor Commercial Airlines have been observed to partake in this spraying program the flight-plan of regular commercial flights, are altered to send a plane to directly fly over major cities and densely populated areas. One such example is that the Qantas flight QF63 (Direct flight Sydney to Johannesburg) would fly south to either Melbourne or Hobart at a height of 30,000+ and spray Chemtrails as it pin points the city. It sprays at such a height where it is less likely to be seen, especially on cloudy days. It is also sprayed at such a height so as it can spread across a wider area as it slowly falls to the ground.
I have personally tracked via my computer and observed the offending aircraft over the Melbourne skies. I have observed that when it is cloudy these flights would fly virtually straight over Melbourne. People living in northern and western suburbs are worst hit. I have found that spraying in the eastern suburbs is less common.
Due to its location Melbourne is not the worst sprayed cities in Australia. As there are not too many International flight paths nearby. Adelaide is without doubt the worst hit city in Australia. It gets sprayed from virtually every International Airline that lands or departs Melbourne. As well as all the flights which target
Melbourne, they also do the job on Adelaide. Adelaide also gets sprayed from many Domestic flights that go from Perth to Sydney and vice versa.
Airlines are directly targeting major Australian citiesEvidence has shown that the Airlines target our major cities. For example one day it might go to Melbourne and the next to Sydney. And then it would go to Hobart. There are no in-betweens which are a giveaway that they spray on the major cities.
What I have also noticed is that if a certain flight, that normally targets Melbourne, and goes to Tasmania, will be replaced by another flight that will hit Melbourne instead. The whole network is highly organized and they don’t miss a beat.
Other airlines which have been observed releasing chemtrails over Melbourne are Singapore Airlines, Air Asia and Air New Zealand. These airlines have flights that come and go from New Zealand to countries such as Malaysia and Singapore. This enables such flights to be included in the Chemtrail program.
I have determined that our major Chemtrail sprayer is the Qantas QF63, which departs from Sydney 11am.As well as its partner flight QF64, departing from Johannesburg and lands in Sydney about 3pm.
I have staggering evidence to show that QF63, (even running 6 hours late) goes all the way south to Hobart to spray and then immediately turns west on its way to Johannesburg. Because of its location Hobart should never have International Airlines fly over it, but Qantas QF63 does as well as Air New Zealand ANZ175 (Auckland to Perth).
It’s not common for any domestic flights to spray on Melbourne but we have noted 2 Qantas flights QF575 and QF581 (Sydney to Perth). Each plane sprays heavily when directed by the Chemtrail program to come down way south from normal the flight path.
How many of the unsuspecting public have woken and gone outside and seen the skies looking an absolute mess with all the fake Chemtrail cloud and wondered what’s going on? Well the reason for this is that the Major Airlines have many flights which pinpoint us in the early hours of the morning when we are fast asleep. They can spray as heavily as they wish as it would not be noticed.
We have noted that especially occurs over Melbourne where they try to make it as least noticeable as possible. Unlike Adelaide where they spray with gay abandon.
Another very concerning issue is the possibility that some high altitude aerosol spraying planes are also dispersing harmful biological laden fibre. Such fibre has been found on lawns, trees, houses and cars. These fibres under a microscope, have been found to be very similar to strange foreign fibres, discovered on the skin of some people suffering from Morgellons disease. Chemtrails are thought to be the primary cause of this recently discovered 21st century ailment. It is not proven if these participating planes are Military and/or Commercial based.
They do not want us to be looking into the sky and seeing this Genocide Spraying, so on clear days you will find more often than not we will not see heavy spraying over Melbourne.
This can explain the reason for the disappearance of Sign writing which is something we saw as children quite often many years ago.

Another trick the chemtrail perpetrators do is use Subliminals on television and movies, especially for children. They show chemtrails in the background sky to condition children to believe it’s just a normal occurrence for planes to spray. Movie producers are funded to use this trickery in their movies, especially children’s animations. Examples of these movies are “Over the hedge” and “Cars”.
So folks this is my brief summary of the ongoing investigation onto chemtrails over Melbourne. I have computer tracked hundreds of flights participating in this covert campaign. I and associates have also visually witnessed these planes dumping their aerosol chemtrails at the same time as the tracking system indicated the planes presence.
The Agenda of EnslavementI believe its purpose is a nefarious attempt by the Global elite to control the human population by tampering with their immune systems. Secondly, to introduce toxic chemicals into our food and water systems as a means of controlling the food supply.
Whether the commercial airlines are actually aware of the true agenda is unknown. Though, It all equates to an evil program by our controlled governments on behalf of the New World Order. The New World Order has an intricately formulated agenda to de-populate and reorganize our planet.
We must all wake up immediately and spread the word to stop this genocide on Humanity, for if we don’t there is no future for many of our next generation. And those outside the elite that do survive will exist like slaves under bondage.
Editor: Refer also to our page on an introduction to Chemtrails
About the Author:
Peter Kusznir is totally dedicated to informing the wider community about the Chemtrail program. He is fervently committed to exposing the truth about the Australian segment of the Global Chemtrail program. Peter may be contacted on peekay22@tpg.com.au.