Children and COVID19


At first we were told “kids do not get it”, then we were told kids are carriers = keep them away from grandparents, then came kids can go to school.   OK kids can get it, but it is not serious,   only very few die!!!  But some can get something looking like Kawasaki disease; it’s nasty but rare.


I would expect that scientists would be clambering to work out WHY are kids different to adults?  My idea would be that it has something to do with the childhood vaccinations they were given, because that is the only difference between kids an adults, and of course older person is, less likely there would be any effect of vaccine left. 

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Re: Children and COVID19

@*kazumi* wrote:


At first we were told “kids do not get it”, then we were told kids are carriers = keep them away from grandparents, then came kids can go to school.   OK kids can get it, but it is not serious,   only very few die!!!  But some can get something looking like Kawasaki disease; it’s nasty but rare.


I would expect that scientists would be clambering to work out WHY are kids different to adults?  My idea would be that it has something to do with the childhood vaccinations they were given, because that is the only difference between kids an adults, and of course older person is, less likely there would be any effect of vaccine left.



There are now a cpl of childcare centre closed, this is one of them



Regardless of how safe it is supposed to be for kids, if I had school age children, they would not be at school atm

Message 2 of 25
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Re: Children and COVID19

Can children be infected with the coronavirus?


Yes. Just as with adults, children exposed to the coronavirus can be infected with it and display signs of Covid-19. “At the beginning of the pandemic, it was thought that children are not getting infected with the coronavirus, but now it is clear that the amount of infection in children is the same as in adults,” explains Andrew Pollard, professor of paediatric infection and immunity at the University of Oxford. “It’s just that when they do get the infection they get much milder symptoms.”


Data from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported that children under 19 years of age comprised 2% of the 72,314 Covid-19 cases logged by February 20th, while a US study of 508 patients, reported no case fatalities among children, with this group accounting for less than 1% of the patients in hospital.


“It could be that the virus has preferentially affected adults at the moment because there has been workplace transmission and transmission during travel,” says Sanjay Patel, a paediatric infectious diseases consultant at Southampton Children’s Hospital. “Now that adults are spending more time with their children we might see a rise in infection in children, but we might not.”

image host
Message 3 of 25
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Re: Children and COVID19

@lyhargr_0 wrote:

@*kazumi* wrote:


At first we were told “kids do not get it”, then we were told kids are carriers = keep them away from grandparents, then came kids can go to school.   OK kids can get it, but it is not serious,   only very few die!!!  But some can get something looking like Kawasaki disease; it’s nasty but rare.


I would expect that scientists would be clambering to work out WHY are kids different to adults?  My idea would be that it has something to do with the childhood vaccinations they were given, because that is the only difference between kids an adults, and of course older person is, less likely there would be any effect of vaccine left.



There are now a cpl of childcare centre closed, this is one of them



Regardless of how safe it is supposed to be for kids, if I had school age children, they would not be at school atm

They should wear masks to stop them touching their faces with grubby hands and exercise social distancing when at the tables/desks - from my recollection of living at age era the primary school young ones are not prone to get directly to close to each other socially , however teenage students.... 

Message 4 of 25
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Re: Children and COVID19

They might not become hospitalised but they can suffer " corvid toes" , sort rashes on their feet






Message 5 of 25
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Re: Children and COVID19

Has anyone else noticed a possible relationship emerging between body mass/physical activity and degree of severity of corvid-19 cases


 low body mass/ high activity ie children = extreme low mortality

High body mass/ high activity ie teenagers/20 somethings = rare mortality

High body mass / low activity ie high middle age = some mortality

Medium body mass/ no activity ie infirm elderly = genocidal mortality 


maybe a few hints for enhanced personal mitigation for the coming winter months 


Message 6 of 25
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Re: Children and COVID19

There are lots of developmental differences between kids and adults. It is still a mystery why the Spanish Flu mainly killed younger healthy adults. It is still early days with Covid 19 and we do't know all of the reasons why it affects people differently or what it is capable of over time.

Message 7 of 25
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Re: Children and COVID19

here's a new worry with children and coronavirus


Health officials in the U.K. are warning that Covid-19 could be causing a new and rare inflammatory condition in children.

Message 8 of 25
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Re: Children and COVID19

children are the area i am most sceptical about re the information we are being handed.


ok, there are no significant outbreaks or deaths amongst children.

but that doesnt mean one child cant be a carrier and giving the virus to say 5 other kids at school who then go home and give it to family members.


it has worked in the govt favor as keeping schools open allowed a conveinient day care option for kids of all the people who are still working.


but treating teachers as sudo child care workers at a time when adults are very open to getting the virus is just not on in my book.


its just pure luck in my view there have been no outbreaks in the school sector amongst teachers.

Message 9 of 25
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Re: Children and COVID19


I've read online that children have died from COVID19.


However, when you read about the decision to get children back to school when there is still a risk of catching the seems to me that the government regards children at home an inconvenience and in the rush to get the economy back on track, possibly expendable.

Message 10 of 25
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