Chinese buying Australia using Australians' money.

Not applicable

A great many are complaining but those same people had any number of excuses for

buying products manufactured or processed in China.

Rather than spend a few extra cents on local products we packed our money of in

neat little packets to China and now it's coming back to buy us out.

Don't worry, I am also pointing the finger at the guy I see in my mirror.


Message 1 of 14
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Re: Chinese buying Australia using Australians' money.

Soooo True Termalert !  This of course goes way beyond China.


I ran around in the 1980's screaming "what are you doing", but so few would listen or respond with "It doesn't make much difference".


I grew up in a family where we were taught that you shape the future based on where you spend your money.

It's easy to get money, but more difficult to decide who get's it.


When I make purchases, I decide on many factors. It's the least I can do.

If I buy big ticket items, I look into whom the owners/directors are and check if the company is ethical in dealings and investments.

(Even if I find a director is a smoker, my funds go elsewhere) Tough, I know, but there is no choice.


Imagine if we all did similarly. The future is in our hands.

image host
Message 2 of 14
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Re: Chinese buying Australia using Australians' money.

"I ran around in the 1980's screaming "what are you doing", but so few would listen or respond with "It doesn't make much difference"."


Sadly they use the same excuse today. Worse even...shipping your jobs overseas. The lamest excuse I've seen yet..."we don't need these dirty factory jobs here, we'll be trading up for cushy airconditioned office jobs." (<< not the exact quote, but the meaning is what matters. And from an alleged educated person!)


Didn't the Romans think the same thing? A bunch of fat people sitting around in robes thinking they were so smart. We're are they now?


What's wrong with hard dirty work? Not a damn thing! Let me know when unemployment is below zero...then I'll listen.


The Chinese know their economy is giant house of cards and the ones with money will buy up your land (and ours) knowing full well when it crashes they have that to fall back on.


In the name of profit the Chinese are willing to poison their air, their citizens...and you!


One example...cheaply made floor boards made in china are going to kill people. And estimated 6 to 30 people out 100,000 will develope cancer from using this product. Doesn't sound like much? Tell that to the 30.



Message 3 of 14
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Re: Chinese buying Australia using Australians' money.

@Anonymous wrote:

A great many are complaining but those same people had any number of excuses for

buying products manufactured or processed in China.

Rather than spend a few extra cents on local products we packed our money of in

neat little packets to China and now it's coming back to buy us out.

Don't worry, I am also pointing the finger at the guy I see in my mirror.


It's worse than that. Some time ago a rich Indonesian businessman owned an Australian race horse; it was a damn good horse and was worth a large amount of money. While this horse was winning races in Australia we were giving foreign aid to Indonesia. If Indonesia is so poor how come it haas millionaires. We were and still are subsidising Indonesia's millionaires.

Message 4 of 14
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Re: Chinese buying Australia using Australians' money.

Community Member
So what do you do when you need something that isn't made in this country and what about when it's made here but the parent company is based lets say in the U.S.A. Just as Ford Australia and Holden is jobs are here but the profits go to the states.
I recall about five years ago the government subsidy to Holden was fifty two million that year and Holden sent GM fifty two million. That was all tax payer money.
Now unless you walk around naked because we don't make clothes in this country any more and only eat fresh meat and vegetables. One can't avoid sending money overseas.
Can't even drink water as it is all owned by overseas corporations.
Message 5 of 14
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Re: Chinese buying Australia using Australians' money.

So true Jimmy, and what about the Chinese cladding used on high rise buildings that's flammable and against Australian regulations but it's being used and there's been a fire already.


The China boom has seen Australia become a prolific waster of consumer goods, we see it on every footpath when people leave they just throw everything out, furniture TV's and all other perfectly usable stuff. It's cheaper to buy new than to pay a furniture.remover.


Sad and wasteful and contributing to the pollution of the planet.

Message 6 of 14
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Re: Chinese buying Australia using Australians' money.

I agree, why are we giving aid to a G20 country, I have asked this question many times. Why are we paying for their children to be educated.


 Ever see the billions spent on mosques over there?  and the  people live in squalor. They have one of the largest standing armies in the world and we are giving them aid?

Message 7 of 14
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Re: Chinese buying Australia using Australians' money.

Not applicable

Great shame that people like you were not the norm kopenhagen.

Sure, today, you have to look really hard to find Australian made

goods and there is, unfortunately, justification for buying overseas


I am showing by age a little when I can remember a day when

Australia manufactured all that it needed and we had trade tafiffs

to protect our local industry.

Before anyone poo-poos tariffs why don't you try sell to the USA.

Their tariffs and bureaucratic tangle make sending goods there

( on a large scale ) an absolute nightmare. Free market be buggered.

Hey !! All is not lost. We are training our upcoming generations for

killing it in the service industry. Forget software ( India ) and

manufacture ( China ). We can all train for the main jobs that

will be left.

Boot polishing for tourists.

My advice for kids.

Get a trade or a medical profession although there may well come

a time when you will slip into a sensor suit at home and consult a doctor

in India or China.



Message 8 of 14
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Re: Chinese buying Australia using Australians' money.

Community Member
Look all you like. There are thousands of items we no longer make.
Try and find an Australian made toy for a child in your life. Unless you go to Gumeracha and buy a wooden toy from the big rocking horse you can't.
I'm sure every child would love an empty box for Christmas with only a note inside lamenting the loss of Australian manufacturing
Message 9 of 14
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Re: Chinese buying Australia using Australians' money.

Back in th 60s some people were also complaining about foreign ownership, in those times it was the USA that was buying Australian companies, and got mining leases for peppercorn rent.  The problem is that nobody here has the money to buy these properties; how long was Cubbie Station for sale before finally the Chinese got it?  Many years, and Van Diemen's Land Company farm in Tassie, the oldest and largest dairy in Australia, has never been Australian owned.


Voltaire: โ€œThose Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocitiesโ€ .
Message 10 of 14
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