Court convicts parents of starving child on strict vegan diet.

An Australian court has found the strict vegan diet fed to a young child left her malnourished, mentally undeveloped, unable to talk, play with toys or roll over. It just confirms what I have always thought. Humans have developed over thousands of years to eat meat and other animal products. Veganism is an artificial concept that ignores our natural physiology and nutritional needs. If adults want to follow these beliefs thats their perogative, but once they start trying to force their beliefs onto others, including children in their care it only highlights the dangers of the unnatural vegan philosophy.

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Court convicts parents of starving child on strict vegan diet.

Community Member
Joztamps, all the footy supporters I know are Holden freaks.
Just like the song
Football, meat pies, Kangaroos and Holden cars.
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Court convicts parents of starving child on strict vegan diet.

Community Member
Anyway sorry Chamo.
Didn't mean to hijack your thread.
Parents need to do what is good for the healthy upbringing of their children not indoctrinate them into whatever hair brained scheme they abide to
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