Create Equality - Abolish The Family


The power of the family to tilt equality hasn’t gone unnoticed, and academics and public commentators have been blowing the whistle for some time. Now, philosophers Adam Swift and Harry Brighouse have felt compelled to conduct a cool reassessment.


Swift in particular has been conflicted for some time over the curious situation that arises when a parent wants to do the best for her child but in the process makes the playing field for others even more lopsided.


‘I got interested in this question because I was interested in equality of opportunity,’ he says.

‘I had done some work on social mobility and the evidence is overwhelmingly that the reason why children born to different families have very different chances in life is because of what happens in those families.’


‘One way philosophers might think about solving the social justice problem would be by simply abolishing the family. If the family is this source of unfairness in society then it looks plausible to think that if we abolished the family there would be a more level playing field.’


‘I don’t think parents reading their children bedtime stories should constantly have in their minds the way that they are unfairly disadvantaging other people’s children, but I think they should have that thought occasionally,’ quips Swift.


‘We should accept that lots of stuff that goes on in healthy families—and that our theory defends—will confer unfair advantage,’ he says.


Although it’s controversial, it seems that Swift and Brighouse are philosophically inching their way to a novel accommodation for a weathered institution ever more in need of a rationale for existing. The bathwater might be going out, but they’re keen to hold on to the baby.


Entire Article Here


So families should stop providing loving and nurturing environment in order not to disadvantage kid who aren't in a loving family relationship? So there's a level playing field for all children to grow up as equals?

Better still, take children away from their families and raise them in institutions to ensure a level playing field?


That's outrageous!


Trust the ABC to sprout such rubbish. They should be shut down and Swift and Brighouse should be the ones institutionalised.



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Create Equality - Abolish The Family

So please - would you care to expand on your.....philosophy?

Message 21 of 60
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Create Equality - Abolish The Family

@rabbitearbandicoot wrote:

I remember seeing a show once - maybe Happy Days??


They had a guy who did nothing except lay on a table and think, then periodically he would sit up and say something, and then lay down again. Everyone else around waited for his words of wisdom. Does anyone remember the show? Was he a philosopher?

I remember Happy Days but not the philosopher but it was a long time ago.  I think Peanuts the dog considered himself to be a philosopher?

Message 22 of 60
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Create Equality - Abolish The Family

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

I'd venture to say that the family unit has the very best chance of raising well-adjusted, sensible and practical young adults. It certainly did for my 3!


But what is your definition of the 'family unit.'  Is it strictly mum, dad and kids? Or could it be single mum or dad and kids, two mums or dads and kids, foster parents and kids or maybe grandparents and kids?

And does a child who is in daycare for up to 9 hours a day, 5 days a week, 48 weeks a year suffer in comparison with a child who is at home with a parent all the time?


These are the kind of questions  that article invites us to explore.


Honestly, she-el? Do we really need to explore those scenarios? I would have thought that the incidences of the old 'latch-key' children syndrome was enough to alert us to the problems and practicalities of daycare/parents working long hours, etc...


I'm talking about a loving environment - mum and dad, two mums, two dads, even a single mum or dad - heck, even a loving grandparent - as I think you well know.

Parent(s) devoted to the care and nurturing of their children. Parents not solely concerned with themselves. I personally know of quite a few same sex couiples who lavish attention on their kids more than the traditional families do! And their children continue to be well-adjusted individuals, mixing in and adapting to their peers and their social environment just as well as those from 'traditional' families.

Any other 'family' scenario is anathema to the family environment concept.


And of course these selfish/uncaring/lacking in parenting knowledge families will be disenfranchised when compared to a more well-adjusted family unit.


Message 23 of 60
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Create Equality - Abolish The Family

I'm embarrassed to say I've studied Philosophy at Uni Woman Embarassed

Message 24 of 60
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Create Equality - Abolish The Family

We all have to explore them, for ourselves, and decide how we, personally, feel about them. That's what you have just done, and that's what philosophy is is all about.  It has nothing to do with  right and  wrong or telling people how to think.


Your views may be different from mine, mine may be different from somebody else's, but analizing our beliefs and understanding why we  hold them is what stops us all from becoming sheep.

Message 25 of 60
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Create Equality - Abolish The Family

I wasn't commenting on the philosphy per se. More about the fact that the article had been taken out of context and just jumped on for a few points. Without the headline it wasn't a true representation of what the article was about either. Just saying is all. 


Message 26 of 60
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Create Equality - Abolish The Family

@alexander*beetle wrote:

I wasn't commenting on the philosphy per se. More about the fact that the article had been taken out of context and just jumped on for a few points. Without the headline it wasn't a true representation of what the article was about either. Just saying is all. 

It is clear most people commenting didn't read the article or listen to the podcast.

Message 27 of 60
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Create Equality - Abolish The Family


icyfroth wrote:




That's outrageous!





Hop on board.



Message 28 of 60
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Create Equality - Abolish The Family

@am*3 wrote:


@icyfroth wrote:




That's outrageous!





Hop on board.



Yay!   It's back!

Message 29 of 60
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Create Equality - Abolish The Family


@gleee58 wrote:

You forgot the introduction to the discussion...  


Is having a loving family an unfair advantage?




Plato famously wanted to abolish the family and put children into care of the state. Some still think the traditional family has a lot to answer for, but some plausible arguments remain in favour of it. Joe Gelonesi meets a philosopher with a rescue plan very much in tune with the times.



So many disputes in our liberal democratic society hinge on the tension between inequality and fairness: between groups, between sexes, between individuals, and increasingly between families.


 LIFE IS UNFAIR !   and yes there is competition for resources, attention, wealth, love, social status......... Always has been, always will be. It may be unfair, but thats human nature. Get over it and get on with it. Learn to compete or accept defeat.
Message 30 of 60
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