on โ02-11-2023 08:17 AM
I was just wondering if anyone here would be interested in being in a Cup Sweep.
It's sort of a Melbourne tradition, even for non gamblers.
Of course, a board cup sweep would be for fun only, no money involved.
How it would work is simple. If people want to be in it, they just say so, then before the cup I could enter the names, pull out the horse names and let people know what horse or horses they have before the race.
Obviously, there are no prizes except the honour and glory of having had the winning horse.๐
We used to do this on another board I was on and it was all a bit of fun. We had first, second and third place winners plus an honorable mention for whoever had the last horse!
If you'd like to be in it, just add your name.
on โ07-11-2023 08:03 PM
repentatlesiure1952, you might feel a tad disappointed after seeing the magnificent prizes you just missed out on but just remember, good things come in small packages.
We will be posting out a collection of seeds.
First up are the money tree seeds. These are slow growing but highly sought after.
Next are the doughnut seeds. Plant them in any season and you'll have delicious glazed doughnuts to eat within about 2 weeks, whie you wait for your money tree to blossom!
on โ07-11-2023 08:10 PM
Harley, what a disappointment for you to have a horse that ran last. I am sure you could have made it round the track faster!
But never mind, right you are with a sensationally useful gift.
I know your housekeeper nicnacs does her best but wouldn't it be wonderful if you could give her explicit orders!
Well, now you can with your very own translator collar.
Want dinner a little earlier, want someone to throw the ball? Just pop on your special collar and your every wish can come true!
on โ07-11-2023 08:29 PM
That was beautifully organised, springyzone.
โ07-11-2023 08:56 PM - edited โ07-11-2023 08:58 PM
WOW, I'm going to the first commercial space station.
I won't have to worry about my weight now. ๐จโ๐
on โ07-11-2023 10:16 PM
Thank you for doing this springy.
on โ08-11-2023 06:55 AM
Thanks for the fun Springy, you have been elected as organizer again next year. It was a great idea.
on โ08-11-2023 07:40 AM
@k1ooo-slr-sales wrote:Thank you for doing this springy.
No thanks needed. I had a bit of fun. I am just glad people joined in.
You might notice my hot tip, the one I had vibes about, came in 21st! ๐
on โ08-11-2023 09:07 AM
@daydreams_12 wrote:Thanks for the fun Springy, you have been elected as organizer again next year. It was a great idea.
I really should thank everyone for joining in. I had fun trying to sort the prizes.๐