
 Depression is the leading cause of disability globally.


 It is a statistic that 45% of Australians will experience a bout of depression in their lifetime. Postnatal depression effects 14% of new mothers. Suicide is most commonly caused by severe depression to the point where someone's pain outweighs their coping rescources.


 If you have experienced depression, have been diagnosed as depressed recently, or you are close to someone suffering from the mental illness, don't be afraid to say hi!


 One in seven of people reading this will be suffering from depression right now.


 So be nice Smiley Happy You never know what someone is going through.

Message 1 of 16
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Re: Depression

Thanks for the kudos guys 🙂
Message 2 of 16
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Re: Depression

Community Member

Thank you for posting this.

Depression, mental illness as a whole, can be a difficult thing to talk about.

Society puts on the Politically Correct mask of compassion and understanding, but it's a mask.

Talking about it, admitting to it, leaves you open to being treated as though you're somehow less than human.

And that is truly depressing.





Message 3 of 16
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Re: Depression

Definitely, even though people are being educated on the subject more than ever before, mental health & mental illness are still taboo subjects.

Thanks for being so encouraging & "real" about it 🙂
Message 4 of 16
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Re: Depression

I will add to the post and say depression can often be a frame of mind one is in.


So the answer can often be just around the corner and finding ones happy thoughts tend to help. Smiley Wink



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Message 5 of 16
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Re: Depression

"Turn  that frown upside down" Smiley Happy





Message 6 of 16
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Re: Depression

Yes, I make light of the disease that has blighted my entire adult life.

I laugh at  it because if I didn't, it would win.

Message 7 of 16
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Re: Depression

Community Member

I thought depression was a disability. Struck me as odd that you say it would lead to what it is. Just kinda thinking out loud. Besides, I don't put too much stock into statistics. Just don't have a great deal of faith in them. Much of what really goes on in reality doesn't get reported, many make things out to be what they are not, and agendas can influince even the most controlled statistics.


Amoung other things, I've been diagnosed with it, I might argue that anyone having went through in life what I have, would likely have a far more severe case of it.


I find tricks and tips that seem to help. Looking for the little things in life that combat depression and trying to focus on that. Music, art, a project, could be anything. Taking some comfort in the worst of times when life seems at it's most hopeless that it has to end sometime, that no one lives forever, All I need to do is wait for it to come on it's own, it will, for us all. And have hope for something better in the next life, or after life, whatever your belief or the case may be.


For the moment, these past few weeks, things are good in my life, like many of the things I started to think would never come are falling into place. Not perfect, not easy, but far better than they were. Depression seems miles away, but I have a long way to go in dealing with the bitterness and hard feelings. That, I fear might not be possible.

Message 8 of 16
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Re: Depression

@ecar3483 wrote:

Yes, I make light of the disease that has blighted my entire adult life.

I laugh at  it because if I didn't, it would win.

 Thats great, unfortunately most people with depression never seem to get to that point of "I'm depressed. So what? It can't make me do anything I don't want to!" Well done for being able to see depression in a different light 🙂

Message 9 of 16
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Re: Depression

@deon584 wrote:

I thought depression was a disability. Struck me as odd that you say it would lead to what it is. Just kinda thinking out loud. Besides, I don't put too much stock into statistics. Just don't have a great deal of faith in them. Much of what really goes on in reality doesn't get reported, many make things out to be what they are not, and agendas can influince even the most controlled statistics.


Amoung other things, I've been diagnosed with it, I might argue that anyone having went through in life what I have, would likely have a far more severe case of it.


I find tricks and tips that seem to help. Looking for the little things in life that combat depression and trying to focus on that. Music, art, a project, could be anything. Taking some comfort in the worst of times when life seems at it's most hopeless that it has to end sometime, that no one lives forever, All I need to do is wait for it to come on it's own, it will, for us all. And have hope for something better in the next life, or after life, whatever your belief or the case may be.


For the moment, these past few weeks, things are good in my life, like many of the things I started to think would never come are falling into place. Not perfect, not easy, but far better than they were. Depression seems miles away, but I have a long way to go in dealing with the bitterness and hard feelings. That, I fear might not be possible.

 Deon, I agree about the statistics and you're completely right, depression is a disability. A lot of people don't believe it counts as a disability because it's "all in the mind", or "depressed people can snap out of it", or "you'd be fine if you just cheered up". Of course we know thats not the way with mental illness; and yes, people going through the same circumstances will be effected differently because everyone is different.


 While I don't necessarily agree that waiting for a bout of depression to pass is one of the best ways to deal with it, everyone has their own methods of coping and what works for one person might not work for another.


 I really hope the phase you're in right now will continue to get better 🙂 Letting go of previous hurt, disappointment, anger etc is hard, and it's definitely a journey, not something that can or will happen overnight, so don't be discouraged 🙂

Message 10 of 16
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