Diary of our stinking Govt.

As it's more than 100 days now, it has been suggested that a new thread was needed.  The current govt has been breaking promises and telling lies at a rate so fast it's hard to keep up.Woman Happy


This below is worrying, "independent" pffft, as if your own doctor is somehow what? biased, it's ridiculous. So far there is talk of only including people under a certain age 30-35, for now. Remember that if your injured in a car, injured at work or get ill, you too might need to go on the DSP. They have done a similar think in the UK with devastating consequences.


and this is the 2nd time recently where the Govt has referred to work as welfare???? So when you go to work tomorrow (or tuesday), just remember that's welfare.




Independent doctors could be called in to reassess disability pensioners, Federal Government says


The Federal Government is considering using independent doctors to examine disability pensioners and assess whether they should continue to receive payments.


Currently family doctors provide reports supporting claims for the Disability Support Pension (DSP).

But Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews is considering a measure that would see independent doctors reassess eligibility.


"We are concerned that where people can work, the best form of welfare is work," Mr Andrews said at a press conference.


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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.

@boris1gary wrote:

@am*3 wrote:

Woman LOL


Good idea to cut staff at the ATO (experience staff) wasn't it?. Now they don't have enough experienced staff to chase after corporate tax avoiders...... 

It's all part and parcel of the LyingNP way, slash numbers in the public services so they are struggling to do their job and then sell them off bit by bit to their mates for budget prices - we get low quality service for a much higher price.

At the same time give some  Depts permission to hire some new staff.... even though there is a public service hiring freeze on.

Message 7631 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.

Illustration: Simon Bosch.


Treasurer Joe Hockey has labelled tax cheats "thieves" and vowed to give the Tax Office whatever laws it needs, despite the government having slashed millions from the agency's budget and resisting a suite of Labor reforms.


This comes a day after Fairfax Media revealed details about:

Chevron's alleged $258 million tax avoidance scheme, which tax authorities claim involved an elaborate system of loans and inter-party payments worth billions. 


Speaking in Washington before chairing a G20 finance ministers meeting, Mr Hockey said member states were determined to use all available resources to close tax loopholes.


"The Treasurer has backed down on $1.1 billion of Labor measures tackling multinational profit shifting," shadow assistant treasurer Andrew Leigh said.


"At the same time he's (Hockey) slashed $189 million from the Tax Office's staff budget, sending 3000 skilled tax officers out the door."


The cuts will see the ATO lose more than 10 per cent of its workforce over the next 12 months, according to budget papers.


21st Century Fox, formerly called :

News Corporation, (Rupert Murdoch....of course)

was named in a report by the Tax Justice Network as:

paying less than 1% tax......Tony Abbott's maaaaaate




Message 7632 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.

First came the absence of Prime Minister Tony Abbott.


Now, deputy Liberal Party leader Julie Bishop has joined Mr Abbott as the second high-profile party absentee from Sunday's LNP Queensland election campaign launch. Smiley LOL


Premier Campbell Newman has sought to distance himself from his federal Liberal colleagues Smiley Tongue


Where's Tony Abbott? Smiley LOL


Where's Eric Abetz? Smiley Surprised


Where's Joe Hockey? Smiley LOL


Where's Julie Bishop? Smiley Surprised


Where's Christopher Pyne? Smiley LOL


Where's Malcolm Turnbull?  Smiley Surprised





Where's .....any LNP ?......Smiley Surprised



Message 7633 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.

$8.4 billion of tax has been avoided in total by the top 200 “companies” on the ASX each year, every year, for the last 10 years.


20% just from one company — Rupert Murdoch’s 21st Century Fox (formerly News Corporation).......Tony Abbott's LNP supporter maaaaaate!....*how many zero's in a Billion again?.......

....a little 'trust' that is obviously keeping convenient company in the Land's highest Office.


....not tax avoidance.....just a shameful scam IMO- a hypocritical one at that.

Message 7634 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.

How many zero's in a Billion dollars again?

Message 7635 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.


.....some more sinister unfairness.........and no, before you try and label me anti-Mulim, I am not.

But following is very, very unfair IMO:

Australia Post

 Recently Australia Post which is totally government owned and has been for 200 years, announced the lo
ss of 900 jobs, being part of a cut back program. 
This is due to the decline in letters beings sent and that's true as email has further reduced letter writing and in many ways understandably. 
A hand written letter is a wonderful thing and contains the hand writing of a friend or loved one and that's a blessing plus the effort required to put pen to paper and then to post it. However a lot of mail is not so endearing and can be emailed and gets to its destination anywhere in the world almost instantly. No postage and no paper and no fuel used to drive to the mail box to post the letter. 
From this view point I think technology has delivered a wonderful
option with email. However there is more to the Post Office game than just this.

The CEO of Australia Post is Ahmed Fahour who was born in Lebanon and came to Australia in 1970. 
In 2009 he was made Managing Director and CEO of Australia Post. His salary package was estimated to be worth $4.8 million last year. Of this he donated about $2 million to the Islamic Museum of Australia located in Melbourne.
I have a big problem with this fellow's salary package and so let's get some perspective here. 
The top ten executives in Australia Post combined earn around $20 million each year. That's simply immoral and clearly the CEO can afford to give away nearly half his takings to an Islamic museum so he doesn't need it and surprise, surprise, its tax deductable.

The founder and director of the museum is former Macquarie Bank executive Moustafa Fahour - Ahmed Fahour's brother. Moustafa's wife, Maysaa, is the chairwoman and director.
The Fahours' sister, Samira El Khafir, is head chef and manages the restaurant on site. 
How can the CEO of the Post Office earn so much especially when the postal service is losing money from letter delivery. No employee is worth 5 million a year and especially not from a government owned business.

The top federal public servants in Australia have salaries of between $665,600 and $844,800 so how does the bloke in charge of the Post Office received $4.8 million? The Prime Minister of Australia earns a modest $507,000 considering the real burdens of office while the CEO of the Gold Coast Council earning slightly less and that's patently out of kilter with the PM's package. The Mayor of GCCC brings in $225,000 so
how on earth can the Post Office justify the massive pay of their CEO?.

Let's look further; the head of the US postal service with 19 times more staff and 11 times more revenue than Australia Post receives $550,000. 
In France the head of their post office was paid $1.1 million, with a staff compliment of 268,000 employees. 
What a country full of mugs we are to sit by and let all this happen. I would have run the big game of Post Office for a lot less and still done a reasonable job and in fact if the best of we seniors applied ourselves we could run the damn post office better and for nothing except a kiss and a free lunch now and again. You had better believe it too.

There is an unpleasant and some would say sinister unbalanced agenda in Australia which in the end preys on the average citizen, we the people. We are no longer the lucky country and we are no longer wealthy and this particular game of Post Office reveals major fractures and faults on a number fronts in our society and culture. 
Who is running the country, who is pulling the levers and who is going to win? We the Mugs need to know.

This is what can happen when C.E.Os. are paid obscenely excessive salaries.

If you can see any sense in this, please tell me.

The CEO of Australia post gives $2,000,000 to a Muslim museum and then sacks 900 workers.

          * From: Herald Sun
Message 7636 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.




Firstly, as has been pointed out before, Murdoch has been visited by most PM's.



Re Australia post, some muted commentary was made about that in the media when it occurred and I'll admit I did not

look around much at the time for further commentary as I was very busy at that time.


But I do not disgaree with your point.



BTW, you missed the commentary of the Tax implications of him giving the $2 million.

I know some occurred because I read it at the time, i just can't remember what it said.


He is also patron of the Musuem.




Message 7637 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.

as for this character- one of Tony Abbot's 'mates' that I posted about earlier, he has been paying little tax on his yearly millions made, year after golden year..... for many years, in several different countries. What a farce.




Message 7638 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.




And What did Labor do in the 6 years they were in office ? Nothing, because he's was "chummy" with Rudd and Gillard.



Murdoch, you mean Rudd and Gillard's mate. who they ran to as fast as they could.


Look at the smig look on Kevin's face ! Smiley LOL



This was the caption

Chummy double act ... Kevin Rudd and Rupert Murdoch after a meeting on Friday at the News Corporation headquarters in New York.


THE sight of Labor leader Kevin Rudd emerging from the News Corporation building on the right-hand side of media baron Rupert Murdoch triggered a stream of questions on the other side of the globe.

Was it significant that Mr Murdoch squired Mr Rudd down Sixth Avenue at the conclusion of their meeting? Was it even more significant in this critical period that they were following up talks with a chummy dinner?



Message 7639 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.

@aps1080 wrote:




And What did Labor do in the 6 years they were in office ? Nothing, because he's was "chummy" with Rudd and Gillard.



Murdoch, you mean Rudd and Gillard's mate. who they ran to as fast as they could.


Look at the smig look on Kevin's face ! Smiley LOL



This was the caption

Chummy double act ... Kevin Rudd and Rupert Murdoch after a meeting on Friday at the News Corporation headquarters in New York.


THE sight of Labor leader Kevin Rudd emerging from the News Corporation building on the right-hand side of media baron Rupert Murdoch triggered a stream of questions on the other side of the globe.

Was it significant that Mr Murdoch squired Mr Rudd down Sixth Avenue at the conclusion of their meeting? Was it even more significant in this critical period that they were following up talks with a chummy dinner?



And where did he run to after he was beaten in the election? straight back into the arms of his mate in New York.  Thank God we never have see this phony hollow man  insanely gesticulating ever again.

Message 7640 of 17,615
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