Diary of our stinking Govt.

As it's more than 100 days now, it has been suggested that a new thread was needed.  The current govt has been breaking promises and telling lies at a rate so fast it's hard to keep up.Woman Happy


This below is worrying, "independent" pffft, as if your own doctor is somehow what? biased, it's ridiculous. So far there is talk of only including people under a certain age 30-35, for now. Remember that if your injured in a car, injured at work or get ill, you too might need to go on the DSP. They have done a similar think in the UK with devastating consequences.


and this is the 2nd time recently where the Govt has referred to work as welfare???? So when you go to work tomorrow (or tuesday), just remember that's welfare.




Independent doctors could be called in to reassess disability pensioners, Federal Government says


The Federal Government is considering using independent doctors to examine disability pensioners and assess whether they should continue to receive payments.


Currently family doctors provide reports supporting claims for the Disability Support Pension (DSP).

But Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews is considering a measure that would see independent doctors reassess eligibility.


"We are concerned that where people can work, the best form of welfare is work," Mr Andrews said at a press conference.


Message 1 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.

@vicr3000 wrote:

@am*3 wrote:

@vicr3000 wrote:


A lot of cars, computers and high end coffee machines are going to get purchased in the few years.

2 years only.

I can read. We don't all need it spelt out like we are kinder kids, although I should do that next time if it helps you.



Anyway, not much profit going to be made in the next few years !



Why did you put a "few years" then? That is a sure sign you don't know the exact details ( as usual). 

Message 12781 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.

@vicr3000 wrote:

Victoria voted Andrews in, the road was ONE part of his manifesto.

A lot of people wanted the road.

if that were true, why was the Napthine govt voted out of office (overwhelming) after just one term??



btw it is a specific project that Andrews has come up with

Message 12782 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.

it's a great interview AM. make sure you watch it right through

Message 12783 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.

More details -


"Any assets over $20,000 can be added together (โ€˜pooledโ€™) and depreciated at the same rate. These assets are depreciated at 15 per cent in the first income year, and 30 per cent per year thereafter.


If the value of the pool is below $20,000 until the end of June 2017 it can be immediately deducted too."

Message 12784 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.

@vicr3000 wrote:


No it's not.


Sensible busines and Politics.


Vic will be far worse off if they don't give it back.





that's just nonsense unless abbott  plans to bully victoria more. At least Andrews stands up to him. I do admire him for that

Message 12785 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.

Message 12786 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.

@am*3 wrote:

Type of response i would expect from someone laughing all the way to the bank Smiley LOL





Message 12787 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.



Federal budget 2015: Houdini Hockey plots Tony Abbott's great escape


This is Joe Hockey's Houdini budget, crafted to release the Treasurer and Tony Abbott from the chains, handcuffs and straitjacket they painstakingly donned last year before hurling themselves overboard in front of a hostile and disbelieving audience.


"What has changed?" you might ask, in just 12 months. As Hockey tells it, the country has "stared down terrorist events in Sydney and Melbourne", dealt with a terrible drought in two states, confronted a collapse in the iron ore price and faced weaker than expected global growth. Oh, yes, and the government very nearly imploded, too. Yet, thanks to the Coalition's careful planning and astute management, we have emerged in terrific shape.





If the narrative stretches credulity, so too do the budget forecasts of higher-than-expected growth and lower-than-expected unemployment, driven party by lower energy prices and interest rates, and a return to an underlying cash surplus in 2019-20.


Woman LOL




Message 12788 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.




this cartoon from the Age sums it up pretty well for me

Message 12789 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.

@vicr3000 wrote:

@am*3 wrote:

Type of response i would expect from someone laughing all the way to the bank Smiley LOL





I was ROFL at your comments, but you know that.Woman Wink

Message 12790 of 17,615
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