Do people still do Chrisco

I never have.


just saw a add a few weeks ago for it, i thought they had ended up . after all the fiasco last time or was that one of the others?

Message 1 of 16
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Re: Do people still do Chrisco

Erica  thats a great idea to 


but still no coupon book Woman Sad for me lol


the supermarket xmas club was a good idea thats a shame they gave up on it 


i would have thought it would have been good for the shop because the customer would be locked into spending there xmas grocery money at there shop ??

Message 11 of 16
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Re: Do people still do Chrisco

Not all banks have stopped them erica.  Mine is with  Beyond Bank Christmas Club

Message 12 of 16
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Re: Do people still do Chrisco

Lurker, I have never heard of that organisation. It's not in our little town. We bank with a Building Society and they don't have Christmas Clubs. I find my Paypal account a handy savings place as it takes three to five days bfore the money is in my Bank account, and by then I may have decided not to need or want what I initially was going to buy.


Great deterrent from impulse buying.



Message 13 of 16
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Re: Do people still do Chrisco

Crisco, I found is a trap. One gets locked in to a regular payment of a set amount, and most of the time what you thought you would want for Christmas will change by the end of the year.


Also, like someone said, most items are way overpriced.


I like the idea of saving a little each week, depending how much I can spare.



Message 14 of 16
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Re: Do people still do Chrisco

They are definitely way overpriced.


I compared their Family Holiday Favourites Hamper with Coles prices.


Chrisco works out at $153 dearer than Coles.


Message 15 of 16
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Re: Do people still do Chrisco

Yes, and when you look at the individual hampers they have put together, half of the stuff is made up of oodles of baked beans and tin spaghetti, potato chips and soft drinks.


I had a look at the meat hamper, LOL, one would have to buy another freezer to stock it all.


With the big supermarkets in a price war, I am surprised that Crisco are still in business.



Message 16 of 16
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