Do you believe Joe Hockey when he says

He doesn't remember seeing the menu at the charity event he was guest of honour at?


For a man that loves his food I am absolutely sure he would have glanced at the menu, it would also have been a huge talking point, amazing it has not leaked earlier - just goes to show the people that attended have absolutely no decorum - it is just not funny at all.

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Do you believe Joe Hockey when he says

I'm outraged.


That am*3 reckons NZ wine is better than AU wine.

prostate cancer ribbon Pictures, Images and Photos
Message 41 of 140
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Do you believe Joe Hockey when he says

Community Member

Ahhh God Meh-too we are in trouble here PMSL :8}


I have no outrage on this


I can go to hell with Meh 😄

Message 42 of 140
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Do you believe Joe Hockey when he says

DY: "No John, the reason the chef came out and exposed the menu is because of Hockeys comments about Julia Gillard last night. Defend Hockey all you like, not a good look"


So  the chef now exposes a 2 month old menu that JH had absolutely  nothing to do with and has said is offensive.


"Defend Hockey all you like, not a good look"  Why would I bother DY?. I am attempting to obtain facts/truth, which so far you are unable to provide, other than " I am absolutely sure he would have glanced at the menu" Which does not constitute persuasive evidence even from an impartial observer, let alone yourself.

Message 43 of 140
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Do you believe Joe Hockey when he says

Where was the function held?


I bet there is one establishment that will be getting a lot less business from a LOT of sectors.


Side note - do we even know if that menu did actually make an appearance at the dinner? It could be a recreation after the event. Apparently nobody saw it (so far), no one came forth before now, could it have been a carefully staged strategy to displace focus from earlier media attention?


A minimum of 40 people saw the menu for that function, from the printers, to the catering and other function staff, but no one said a word? Until now? Not one murmur on any one's Facebook Account? or similar?


C'mon hey. Seriously?

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 44 of 140
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Do you believe Joe Hockey when he says

Community Member

oh stop it! :^O

Message 45 of 140
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Do you believe Joe Hockey when he says

The menu was first posted by a Brisbane chef who claimed he used to work at the unnamed restaurant.

Message 46 of 140
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Do you believe Joe Hockey when he says

The only reason they are all saying it is offensive now is because it has been produced, any decent person at the fundraiser that saw it would have spoken out about it.


Says a lot about the attendees doesn't it? 😉

Message 47 of 140
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Do you believe Joe Hockey when he says

I am outraged at DH's assumptions/accusations in the opening post. The opening post is directed at Joe Hockey rather than the menu itself.


For a man that loves his food I am absolutely sure he would have glanced at the menu.


Bit mean also, to point out the man loves his food, when this man had a gastric band a few weeks earlier to this incident as well.

Message 48 of 140
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Do you believe Joe Hockey when he says

TGSE: "And when a dinner menu is used to make derogatory comments about a woman's personal appearance then it is an insult to ALL women not just the one named."


So if I arranged for  a menu to indicate that Gillard/Bishop wear army boots, the matriarchs here (someone is sensitive to "Sisters" ) and the other 3.5 billion female population would be insulted and put me on ignore.



Message 49 of 140
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Do you believe Joe Hockey when he says

DY, you and LL should team up in target shooting competitions.


Which do you suggest should take the role of target? ]:) :^O

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 50 of 140
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