on 20-02-2014 07:47 AM
Saw the thread on eating in cinemas and it reminded me of a recent gripe of mine.
I work in a small gift shop and it has amazed me to watch the number of people who think it's ok to eat and drink in there. The shop sells gifts, homewares and clothing. I was always brought up that it was a big no-no to eat or drink in shops, especially clothing stores. It seems to be a growing trend these days. I've had people come in eating meat pies, cakes, ice creams etc plus all sorts of drinks. And it is kids just as much as the adults. People wonder why their kids are getting so fat. Can't they walk around for an hour while shopping without having something in their mouth? It makes me uncomfortable to watch a 6 year old walking around holding a bottle of coke. Call me crazy, but kids can be clumsy.
Do you think it's ok to eat and drink anywhere you please? Am I old fashioned? Would you walk into someone's house eating a meat pie out of a bag? Or eating a cake and dropping crumbs everywhere? Why do people think it's ok to do it in a shop?
Would love to hear the thoughts of others.
on 20-02-2014 01:39 PM
Oh, and no I don't eat or drink in shops.
on 20-02-2014 01:40 PM
on 20-02-2014 01:44 PM
on 20-02-2014 01:51 PM
But don't you agree that some of those people (bogans) who eat/drink in a shop, wouldn't take any notice of signs?
And if you pointed out the signs to them, they'd say "So.......make me stop eating".
on 20-02-2014 02:35 PM
on 20-02-2014 02:44 PM
@lloydslights wrote:But don't you agree that some of those people (bogans) who eat/drink in a shop, wouldn't take any notice of signs?
And if you pointed out the signs to them, they'd say "So.......make me stop eating".
um, not sure what kind of shops you frequent, but no, not likely to happen down my way.
on 20-02-2014 06:14 PM
I rarely frequent shops at all now. Being in the retail business for 48 years sort of wore me out.
So may I suggest that you mention to your clientele that there is a no eating/drinking policy.
If they're nice down your way, they will abide your request. But if they were such nice people in the first place, they would not be eating in your establishment.
From first hand experience, I sincerely hope the demographics down your way don't change, because eating in your store will not be the worst of your problems.
20-02-2014 06:20 PM - edited 20-02-2014 06:21 PM
Nope, but then I am very old fashioned, even older than I am.
Only places I'll eat at shops is the food court, and that's rarely. But then I don't even get up to walk off with a bit of drink left to finish. Do people really just not have the time to spare, to spend 10 - 15 minutes, to sit and eat what they have?
20-02-2014 06:23 PM - edited 20-02-2014 06:25 PM
You will need to put a sign up if you don't want people eating and drinking in the shop. As you do have people doing that, they think it is OK to do so & they are going to keep doing it unlesss there is a sign saying not to. Give the sign a nice border, it doesn't have to look severe and bossy like.
As punch posted, I do walk around in a mall with a smoothie occasionally in a container with lid, the place you buy them from doesn't have seats and it takes a long time for me to drink it. I wouldn't go into a small shop with one though.
I put my empty container in a rubbish bin... I don't leave it on a shelf in a shop like I see other people have done!!
I wouldn't let my children, when they were young, walk around when out eating or drinking.
I was never allowed to do that as a child either.