on 20-03-2013 10:34 AM
on 20-03-2013 01:13 PM
TONY ABBOTT: This Speaker is no longer a fit and proper person to uphold the dignity of this Parliament.
on 20-03-2013 01:33 PM
Should Julia Gillard stand down as leader of the Labor Party?
on 20-03-2013 01:37 PM
the picture from iza's link
look at that mean smug misogynisticX-( he made pauline cry
poor pauline:-(:-(
on 20-03-2013 01:41 PM
I'd like to know what's happening with the liberal corrupt behaviour in the Slipper matter. Where's Ashby and that unfortunately named Karen? Will Slipper sue? What happened to the dodgy medical firm who gave Ashby the backdated false medical certificate (they refused to give me one when I called to ask lol), what about the media advisor and dodgy lawyer? And mal brough, using filthy tactics to get the upper hand on Slipper? And Abbott's knowledge of all these dirty dealings... Is he just going to ignore and deny?
The whole saga is a disgrace and I'm disappointed the media isn't pursuing it.
on 20-03-2013 01:48 PM
Justice Steven Rares said the case brought by Mr Slipper's former staffer James Ashby was launched for a political purpose, to advance the interests of the Liberal National Party
The media doesn't want to know, the outcome was very disappointing to them.
Look at this picture the telegraph ran of him on their front page:
on 20-03-2013 01:49 PM
the picture from iza's link
look at that mean smug misogynisticX-( he made pauline cry
poor pauline:-(:-(
i think i recall you being a pauline supporter ibis ? arent you outraged at her treatment ? 😛
or do you like it now because he's using all of that woman hate on gillard 🙂
on 20-03-2013 02:09 PM
I'd like to know what's happening with the liberal corrupt behaviour in the Slipper matter. Where's Ashby and that unfortunately named Karen? Will Slipper sue? What happened to the dodgy medical firm who gave Ashby the backdated false medical certificate (they refused to give me one when I called to ask lol), what about the media advisor and dodgy lawyer? And mal brough, using filthy tactics to get the upper hand on Slipper? And Abbott's knowledge of all these dirty dealings... Is he just going to ignore and deny?
The whole saga is a disgrace and I'm disappointed the media isn't pursuing it.
Yes, this is the stuff journos would have chased with passion in the old days.
on 20-03-2013 06:57 PM
Only in your world shuiggy and the desperate labor luvies world
Truth hurts eh Wolf?
on 20-03-2013 06:58 PM
Should Julia Gillard stand down as leader of the Labor Party?
They both should and it should be Turnbell vs Rudd.
on 20-03-2013 11:32 PM
JMK: "............I'd like to know what's happening with the liberal corrupt behaviour in the Slipper matter............." I presume you mean the INDIVIDUALS concerned , and not the whole Liberal Party?
"The whole saga is a disgrace and I'm disappointed the media isn't pursuing it."
Actually JMK the media pursued the matter voraciously until it went before the court (sub judice) and there it was ONLY an abuse of process finding, not sexual harrasment.
"....contrary to some public perceptions Mr Ashby's sexual harassment case against Mr Slipper had not been heard in court."
"No judicial finding has been made as to whether James was sexually harassed by Mr Slipper."
The finding has been appealed, (mid May) and thus is still sub judice. That is why the media isn't pursuing it JMK.
I'd like to know what's happening with the Labor corrupt behavior in the Slipper matter as he has been charged with corrupt behavior
I'd like to know what's happening with the Labor corrupt behavior in the Thompson matter as he has been charged with numerous fraud charges behavior
I actually know that sub judice applies to a degree in both of the above.
So there is your answer JMK, legal process/sub judice.
If you are actually interested in knowing what happened in the slipper matter, research and also read this:-