Does a Man Have the Right

Does a man have the right to hit a woman back ?? This woman was told by her 7 year old son that the man had frighten him, so she raced over to the man and started to hit him from behind around the head and face he then turned around ahd hit her across the face. Do you think he had the right to hit her back.
Message 1 of 46
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Does a Man Have the Right

A man's gotta do whatta man's

Gotta do Ecar

And on very rare occasions you

Are no less a man if you have to

Put a woman in her place

And that's coming from a woman

And some women deserve everything

They get



Message 31 of 46
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Does a Man Have the Right

@j*oono wrote:

Is this like the usual riddle?


What was the relationship between the man and the woman and the man and the child?


Either way, there are better ways than belting her for him to defend himself.  Some people shouldn't breed.

There is no relationship between the man and the woman or the child.  They just attend the same welfare agency.  The man told the child off for locking the doors to the toilet cubilces and crawling out under the walls leaving the cubicles locked.  The man ordered the boy to go back and open the doors.
Message 32 of 46
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Does a Man Have the Right

Born to push you around
Better just stay down
You pull away
He hits the flesh
You hit the ground

Mouth so full of lies
Tend to black your eyes
Just keep them closed
Keep praying
Just keep waiting

Waiting for the one
The day that never comes
When you stand up and feel the warmth
But the sunshine never comes
No, the sunshine never comes

Push you cross that line
Just stay down this time
Hide in yourself
Crawl in yourself
Youโ€™ll have your time

God Iโ€™ll make them pay
Take it back one day
Iโ€™ll end this day
Iโ€™ll splatter color on this gray

Waiting for the one
The day that never comes
When you stand up and feel the warmth
But the sunshine never comes a four letter word
And never spoken here a four letter word
Here in this prison

I suffer this no longer
Iโ€™ll put an end to this, I swear
This, I swear
The Sun will shine
This, I swear
*we may be human, but we are still animals*
Message 33 of 46
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Does a Man Have the Right

Sounds like the mother should have been smacking her child, not the person who was trying to make the child behave himself.

Message 34 of 46
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Does a Man Have the Right

The question should be does a women have the right to attack an innocent man just because she feels uncomfortable ?

Message 35 of 46
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Does a Man Have the Right

@youcandoityoucandoityoucandoit wrote:

@cmcoins2000 wrote:

@lloydslights wrote:

When  a flowery placard with the words "Punch the Day in the Face" is shared, what hope is there?



Choose not to - then kiss the closest to you.


Robot Frustrated



It doesnt matter how hopeless, the expression 'Punch the Day in the Face' does not mean or support punching someone in the face. 


Maybe try sticking to the topic?

Woman Frustrated

In my opinion, I am very much sticking to the subject.


There is aggression displayed in that saying, similar to "go and kick butt".  


When words like those are passively infiltrating our everyday language, peoples' persona can be influenced and impacted.







Message 36 of 46
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Does a Man Have the Right

Yeah deb

Could ya stick to the topic




Message 37 of 46
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Does a Man Have the Right

You cannot injure your attacker if he or she is retreating, nor continue to apply force if it goes past the point of defense and becomes instead an act of retaliation. Otherwise you might find yourself being charged.


That would be true even if you did not fight back. Victims are arrested and charged far more than the attackers. It's all in who's story the responding officer decides to go with. They don't even have to believe it, only just put it down that is the way it happened. Sad fact is sometimes some people can't win no matter what they do. Consider the abused wife of a husband who is friends with the responding officer.



Message 38 of 46
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Does a Man Have the Right

Okay, nobody has the right to hit anybody.


The young boy has witnessed his mother hitting a man.  He sees a man hit back.  He himself, has probably been hit by his mother.


The young boy becomes a teen, can't handle a few aggressive words, hits the announcer. 


Grows into a young man, doesn't agree with his girlfriend's accusations, so hits her.  


The aggressive mother has bred an aggressive child.





Message 39 of 46
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Does a Man Have the Right

Exactly.  No-one here seems to question the behaviour of the mother.  She has demonstrated that violence is the way to solve problems.  An appalling role model for her child.

Message 40 of 46
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