on โ05-03-2014 09:19 PM
To what lengths should a country go to to protect its inhabitants and borders?
10:35 PM
- last edited on
08:05 AM
@poddster wrote:
Methinks acacia is attempting to evade shedding any light on where they stand pertaining to the question at hand by trying to deflect the conversation off on a tangent ๐
That's a tad interpersonal, hostile and uncalled for, in my humble opinion.
on โ05-03-2014 10:39 PM
You are very welcome to your opinion ๐
โ05-03-2014 10:47 PM - edited โ05-03-2014 10:51 PM
Yes it has a right, if not it would be considered an open border. Although keeping them on an island indefinitely may not be the way to go. I'd prefer to stop them before they reach the shore and turn them around, ship them back, or allow a certain amount to enter. Once they hear you're allowing them in they will come by the hundreds of thousands.
What's the danger.....like rust on an old chevy they will rot your system from the inside out. You're lucky they need boats, here they walk, ride in the back of trucks, overstay their visas, etc.
It's said they only take low paying undesirable jobs....that's how they start, and then greed gets the best of people and they hire them for higher paying jobs even though they aren't certified. Those people doing the hiring should be charged with tax evasion at the very least. Then they spend the money among their own communities, again not paying any taxes. And it doesn't stop there....Just yesterday a bunch were working as electricians. All speaking spanish, I don't want to hear it! Their are Americans that need that job!
Somehow they are able to get drivers licences. When they can't prove they are here legally....deport them. Then they register the car in a state that requires a minimum insurance policy. If they hit you...good luck collecting...you won't.
Then they use the ER like it's their own private doctors office....and never pay. That's the main reason our medical system has problems...we...tax payers are paying for them....them being lawbreakers.
They send their kids to public school, on public school buses while not paying any taxes, taxes that pay for those buses. How can a person that's here illegally register a kid for school? When they can't prove they are here legally...deport them!
SOMEHOW....they are able to apply for welfare, and get it! Not only that....the more kids they have the more money they receive. Welfare paid for by tax payers....again, more rust!
OH...there's more!
Just recently they were protesting. Yes, that's right! Illegals gathered in large groups and protested NY's policy on illegals collecting tuition assistance for college. WHAT? They have the nerve to come here illegally (many carrying guns and drugs to fund their trip) and protest they want free college. Mother......
Millions are here and barely speak english and attending public schools. You wonder why our education system is down the toilet...more rust! And there's more..
Does a country have the right to protect it's borders?
on โ05-03-2014 10:48 PM
I'll speak to her sternly about her neglect, shall I?
perhaps a little punishing is in order? ๐
โ05-03-2014 10:52 PM - edited โ05-03-2014 10:55 PM
on โ05-03-2014 10:58 PM
I enjoyed the clip Jimmy and your sentiments
on โ05-03-2014 10:59 PM
Poddy, you're welcome to catch me out if you can in any hypocrisy. "oh would the gift the giftie gie us. . . " and all that ๐
on โ05-03-2014 11:01 PM
The harm is to your economy, an economy the designed to accomodate the LEGAL citizens, and in turn your country.
And don't forget about the money spent insuring a secure border, pfft.
โ05-03-2014 11:02 PM - edited โ05-03-2014 11:03 PM
And...what wonderful "gifts" are crossing the borders....
on โ05-03-2014 11:03 PM
From anything that may be harmful or injurious, am*3.
Do any of the things you mentioned fall int the above category?