Does anyone here follow the religion of Islam?

It would be great to hear about your positive experiences of living as a Muslim in Australia!

Message 1 of 47
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Re: Does anyone here follow the religion of Islam?

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

@ufo_investigations wrote:

@donnashuggy wrote:

It would be great to hear about your positive experiences of living as a Muslim in Australia!

Why would it be great?


The koran has 99 commands to harm infidels, one of the commands is to never be friends with infidels.

So I'll ask again, If  Islam demands that Muslims "Kill all nfidels wherever you find them" How come there are so many practising Muslims working in australian hospitals actively saving the lives of imfidels.

You must have a short memory, it wasn't long ago a muslim working in a hospital left their patient so they could go and pray. The patient died. You can't trust muslims because their no.1 mission is the commands in the koran, those commands,  for a muslim, come from allah, which is their god. You, me and everyone else is an infidel, this is a teaching in the koran. This is why they say "allah akbur" when committing an act of terror.


To a muslim, an infidel is not an equal, you are not even classified human let alone trusting them with your life in a hospital. We are just infidels to them.

Message 31 of 47
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Re: Does anyone here follow the religion of Islam?

You must have a short memory, it wasn't long ago a muslim working in a hospital left their patient so they could go and pray. The patient died.


It was four years ago in a nursing home in England.

And I'm sure if I went googling I could find umpteen other cases of lack of care in nursing homes here in Australia by non Muslims. Was Roger Dean, the man who murdered eleven patients when deliberately set a fire in the Quakers Hill Nursing Home ,a Muslim?

If that is the best you can come up with  to back up a claim that all Muslims believe they have a duty to kill infidels then I'd say your argument is abut as shonky as a $3.00 note.

Message 32 of 47
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Re: Does anyone here follow the religion of Islam?

@ufo_investigations wrote:

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

@ufo_investigations wrote:

@donnashuggy wrote:

It would be great to hear about your positive experiences of living as a Muslim in Australia!

Why would it be great?


The koran has 99 commands to harm infidels, one of the commands is to never be friends with infidels.

So I'll ask again, If  Islam demands that Muslims "Kill all nfidels wherever you find them" How come there are so many practising Muslims working in australian hospitals actively saving the lives of imfidels.

You must have a short memory, it wasn't long ago a muslim working in a hospital left their patient so they could go and pray. The patient died. You can't trust muslims because their no.1 mission is the commands in the koran, those commands,  for a muslim, come from allah, which is their god. You, me and everyone else is an infidel, this is a teaching in the koran. This is why they say "allah akbur" when committing an act of terror.


To a muslim, an infidel is not an equal, you are not even classified human let alone trusting them with your life in a hospital. We are just infidels to them.

You have omitted one little piece of information that may have a bearing on her death,


"It took between five and ten minutes because he was praying upstairs in the office on his prayer mat. A staff member told me we had to wait for him to finish."

"An ambulance was not called for nearly four hours after Mrs Griffiths fell from bed and cut her head and suffered a gash to her hip at the privately-run Valley Park Nursing Home in Wombwell, near Barnsley. 


Message 33 of 47
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Re: Does anyone here follow the religion of Islam?

4 hours or 10 mins?
It should not have happened at all.
Should we now ask nurses and doctors what religion they are before we consult them?
I haven't a clue what religion my doctor follows but he has never left the room to pray.......
The Muslims I do know must be pretending to be my friends. ...
Message 34 of 47
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Re: Does anyone here follow the religion of Islam?

It's a bit of a stretch UFO to use one example as evidence that an entire group of people are devoid of compassion. If I was to follow that example I would have to look at all those who have killed, ranging from beheading to cannibalism, based on their defense that "aliens made me do it" and deduce that every beliver in alien life forms must be mentally unstable and an extreme threat to people. But in reality neither is correct.

Message 35 of 47
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Re: Does anyone here follow the religion of Islam?

@para-slights wrote:

It's a bit of a stretch UFO to use one example as evidence that an entire group of people are devoid of compassion. If I was to follow that example I would have to look at all those who have killed, ranging from beheading to cannibalism, based on their defense that "aliens made me do it" and deduce that every beliver in alien life forms must be mentally unstable and an extreme threat to people. But in reality neither is correct.

You can't trust those Christians either - their God doesn't seem to care whether or not you are a believer - he makes them  kill you anyway.. Perhaps we should ban the bible and pull down all the churches.


Message 36 of 47
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Re: Does anyone here follow the religion of Islam?

i should hope so!  any church that preached 

it was ok to do that, should be pulled down.


and yes ban any book that says it is ok.



Message 37 of 47
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Re: Does anyone here follow the religion of Islam?

@*julia*2010 wrote:

i should hope so!  any church that preached 

it was ok to do that, should be pulled down.


and yes ban any book that says it is ok.



 UFO cited one Muslim whose devotion to his religion inadvertantly caused a woman's death as proof that aLL Muslims are a danger to society and have an obligation to kill us. I cited three Christians who, in acts of a perceived duty to their God actively killed innocent victims. Using UFO'S logic and my examples, could we not argue that ALL Christians - indeed all those who believe in any kind of God - are likewise a danger to society and, by extension,  the only people permitted to exist should be atheists?

Message 38 of 47
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Re: Does anyone here follow the religion of Islam?

There was a woman who practiced Islam here.  A very nice and very helpful (to me) lady.


I wouldn't blame anyone for not saying they are muslim on this board.  The vile rubbish that is spewed by certain members towards Musilms is horrible and I wouldn't blame anyone for keeping quiet

Message 39 of 47
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Re: Does anyone here follow the religion of Islam?

i'm surprised anyone would admit to being

religious.  especially christian.  have you seen

the ridicules?  Woman Surprised  the memes? Woman Surprised


Message 40 of 47
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