Don Burke - another accused abuser of women

Honored Contributor


Don Burke's program Burke's Backyard was a ratings juggernaut for Channel Nine before it was cancelled in 2004.

For almost two decades Don Burke was one of the most powerful men in Australia's entertainment industry. His popular gardening program Burke's Backyard was a ratings juggernaut for the Nine Network until it was unceremoniously axed in 2004.


But now a major Fairfax Media/ABC investigation can reveal that behind the scenes those who worked with Burke claim he was a "psychotic bully", a "misogynist" and a "sexual predator" who indecently assaulted, sexually harassed and bullied a string of female employees.


"He was a vile, vile human being," said Bridget Ninness, a former producer on Burke's Backyard, who later launched legal action against Burke for psychological abuse. "He was lewd and he was crude" and his constant talk of sex was "designed to confront you and to demean you", she said.


Louise Langdon, a former researcher, was subjected to ongoing harassment by Burke which included trying to remove her top, and on another occasion Burke "put his foot into my rear end, with the view to checking the tone of my ... my backside". He then stated that the firmness of her "backside" wasn't "up to scratch".


"I loathed him, he was just a pig. He was lecherous and sinister," said another former researcher who alleges she was indecently assaulted by Burke.


Even David Leckie, the former chief executive of the Nine Network, said he wasn't surprised to receive our call about Burke. "I've been trying to think of Harvey Weinstein-type people [in Australia] and the only one I can ever come up with is Burke. He was a horrible, horrible man," he said.


Unlike Weinstein, Burke is not accused of rape, but the more than 50 people interviewed during this investigation have made serious allegations about Burke's actions.


"Don Burke was a disgrace because of his behaviour internally and externally," said Sam Chisholm, Leckie's predecessor at Nine.


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Don Burke - another accused abuser of women

@kopenhagen5 wrote:

Don Burke, Rolf Harris, Robert Hughes.


All seemingly and supposed to be respected Australian father figures...................I shake my head in disappointment. Smiley Sad

I wouldn't be so quick to be disappointed. It could be people who felt slighted....maybe didn't get hired for so and so job, a woman that liked him but the feelings weren't mutual. I'm seeing these reports on a daily basis and am disgusted by them. How low will the media sink? Are the stories true? Don't know, but the accusers should held responsible to be able to back up their stories.


And why wasn't it reported at the time? Here it is over a decade later and these people are willing to trash a persons reputation for their 15 minutes of fame. Easy to do these days....just throw it out there and wait for your payday. Who can I destroy to get my nice fat check?


Weinstien looks like a dirtbag, I've always thought that. Can't judge a book by it's cover? I did. Am I right? I think so. But with such a bad reputation I'm 99.99% sure everyone knew about him. Yet all these women went to his hotel rooms to discuss a script? He'd answer the door in a robe and they'd go in anyway? 


What do they all have in common? They all reaped the rewards of going into his room and became rich famous actresses. Now they want to complain?


I shouldn't need to say it...but FTR, I don't agree with using a position of authority to pressure a woman into doing....anything. Never have. But you can bet on this sue happy world if I ever strike it rich I'll be wearing hidden body cams and record every....everything. BS that anyone could make these claims 10 plus years later, even 40 years later without a shred of proof.

Message 11 of 96
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Don Burke - another accused abuser of women

Here's one of the dozens of stories to pop up. Nothing was said at the time....although I've never acted like this and never would, I'm not him. Look where it's gotten them.


Read the story, look at the pictures....what do you think? Is it this and many other stories politically motivated? Looking for a payday, notoriety? Bring your proof or be liable for slander.

Message 12 of 96
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Don Burke - another accused abuser of women

"Bring your proof or be liable for slander."


Ooops...I asked a question then wrote that. It might appear I'm asking you to bring proof or be held liable for slander. 

I meant "them", lol.

Message 13 of 96
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Don Burke - another accused abuser of women

Jimmy, do you know the Australian TV celebrities that Kopes referred to?


Rolf Harris was convicted in London of se xual assault on young girls


And Robert Hughes, even worse, was convicted of child se xual assault of his co-stars


As for Don Burke, there seems to be quite a number of men who worked with him who are also saying what the women have said.  


So there's plenty of proof, as far as I'm concerned.


His hit show was suddenly terminated without any explanation back in 2004.

Plenty of people complained, even cameramen, but nothing was done at the time.

Message 14 of 96
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Don Burke - another accused abuser of women

Don Burke - another accused abuser of women

@imastawka wrote:

Jimmy, do you know the Australian TV celebrities that Kopes referred to?


Rolf Harris was convicted in London of se xual assault on young girls


And Robert Hughes, even worse, was convicted of child se xual assault of his co-stars


As for Don Burke, there seems to be quite a number of men who worked with him who are also saying what the women have said.  


So there's plenty of proof, as far as I'm concerned.


His hit show was suddenly terminated without any explanation back in 2004.

Plenty of people complained, even cameramen, but nothing was done at the time.

No, I didn't know them. I was just going by what I've seen here and it bothers me that people can go back all these years and make accusations. True or not, it opens the door for anyone to accuse another for all sorts of reasons, justified or not. They might be true, but it's a safe bet many accusations have other motivations.


I'm not defending a single one of them. It's just too easy to make an accusation and ruin another's life. We're all aware they're are a lot crazy people out there who wouldn't think twice about "getting even".

Message 16 of 96
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Don Burke - another accused abuser of women

Everyone is given their day in court, lets not convict until then.


is he the scumbag being presented "by the media?" i have no idea.


but reardless of 1 acuser or 50, hes innocent until proven guilty.


please lets not turn this into a reality TV show for ratings.


Vote the celebrity guilty of a crime, 7:30pm tonight!

Message 17 of 96
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Don Burke - another accused abuser of women

Goldfields woman fined $4,000 after falsely accusing taxi driver of sexual assault


some people just plain old lie.

Message 18 of 96
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Don Burke - another accused abuser of women

Yes of course, the WOMEN must all be telling fibs.....lets blame the women shall we?.....You would have no idea how people feel when treated this way UNLESS you have had it happen to you.    It is embarrassing and not easy to report.......It takes a lot of courage to speak out about this....and yes it can take years. And if you read up on it you will see that most did report it but were told to just do their job.  The bosses of Channel nine said he was a horrible person.  It's just come out what he said to Olympian Susie O'neill - have you read that?  Is she also making this up?


 These women have been backed up by the crew and producers who all saw/heard the same may not want to believe it but do you honestly believe that ALL these people are collaborating because they didn't get a promotion........please GIVE ME A SPELL.

Message 19 of 96
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Don Burke - another accused abuser of women

O'Neill has told Fairfax media she was in her Brisbane home for an interview with Burke and eight male crew members ahead of the Sydney Olympics in 2000.

As she stood in front of a large flower painting created by her husband, Burke allegedly asked: "Is your c*** as big as that?"

The eight-time Olympic medallist said she was "flabbergasted" by Burke's "crude and belittling" remarks, and told her manager at the time, Nick Cummins.

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