Don Burke - another accused abuser of women

Honored Contributor


Don Burke's program Burke's Backyard was a ratings juggernaut for Channel Nine before it was cancelled in 2004.

For almost two decades Don Burke was one of the most powerful men in Australia's entertainment industry. His popular gardening program Burke's Backyard was a ratings juggernaut for the Nine Network until it was unceremoniously axed in 2004.


But now a major Fairfax Media/ABC investigation can reveal that behind the scenes those who worked with Burke claim he was a "psychotic bully", a "misogynist" and a "sexual predator" who indecently assaulted, sexually harassed and bullied a string of female employees.


"He was a vile, vile human being," said Bridget Ninness, a former producer on Burke's Backyard, who later launched legal action against Burke for psychological abuse. "He was lewd and he was crude" and his constant talk of sex was "designed to confront you and to demean you", she said.


Louise Langdon, a former researcher, was subjected to ongoing harassment by Burke which included trying to remove her top, and on another occasion Burke "put his foot into my rear end, with the view to checking the tone of my ... my backside". He then stated that the firmness of her "backside" wasn't "up to scratch".


"I loathed him, he was just a pig. He was lecherous and sinister," said another former researcher who alleges she was indecently assaulted by Burke.


Even David Leckie, the former chief executive of the Nine Network, said he wasn't surprised to receive our call about Burke. "I've been trying to think of Harvey Weinstein-type people [in Australia] and the only one I can ever come up with is Burke. He was a horrible, horrible man," he said.


Unlike Weinstein, Burke is not accused of rape, but the more than 50 people interviewed during this investigation have made serious allegations about Burke's actions.


"Don Burke was a disgrace because of his behaviour internally and externally," said Sam Chisholm, Leckie's predecessor at Nine.


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Message 1 of 96
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Don Burke - another accused abuser of women

can anybody tell me what has changed,


not long ago media (tv, print, ect) would not put out storys that could not be verified as true.


now it seems a person can say anything about anyone without a shred of real evedence. just do it as part of a crowd.


so have defamation laws changed?


or is it just too many telling their stories to actually check each and every one out?


oh, and surely there must be a girl out there somewhere who has a story regarding Sam Newman from the AFL footy show?

Message 41 of 96
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Don Burke - another accused abuser of women

Not sure if these women have mental issues or axes to grind. I don't have either and neither do I 😜 However the point I am trying to make is that these women did make complaints back then and it wasn't dealt with until many years later when obviously it became a regular pattern. Why should he be able to get away with that behaviour? If it were only one woman it would be his word against hers and maybe this is why the others are speaking up. It's just a shame that he was allowed to get away with this for so long.
Message 42 of 96
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Don Burke - another accused abuser of women

He should consult his lawyers and sue them if he believes they are making these stories up. I know what you are saying because mud sticks and he's covered in it. There talking about a class action against him.
Message 43 of 96
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Don Burke - another accused abuser of women

Geoffrey Rush denies 'inappropriate behaviour' during Sydney Theatre Company play


so now its Geoffrey Rush....


but ask what its was he did....oh, cant tell you that.


so someone is going to ruin a mans life and not say what he did?

Message 44 of 96
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Don Burke - another accused abuser of women

@davidc4430 wrote:



now it seems a person can say anything about anyone without a shred of real evedence. just do it as part of a crowd.


so have defamation laws changed?


or is it just too many telling their stories to actually check each and every one out?

With regard to the media, nothing has changed. So long as the words "alleged" and "allegedly" are used, it's legal. They don't need to verify that the story is true, they're simply reporting that there is a story. Not using "alleged" and "allegedly" means they're making a statement of fact rather than reporting a story / rumour - that's when they need to verify it, otherwise it's lawsuit time! "Truth" and "in the public interest" are defences in most Australian states - if you can prove it's true, you'll pretty much be fine.


For those accused of misconduct, there'll be two camps - those who've done it, and those who haven't. Those who've done it generally won't sue, because they know they'll probably get hammered when it goes to court. Those who haven't often won't sue either, because the negative publicity in the lead-up to the case will damage them irreparably. 

"now it seems a person can say anything about anyone without a shred of real evedence. just do it as part of a crowd". Firstly, that's "a person" - not the media. The media are still bound by the law.


As for an individual, social networking is a whole 'nother ball-game - hardly anyone on there respects defamation laws ("freedom of speech" and "I'm entitled to express my opinion!!!!!" are the usual defences, neither of which will stand up in a court of law). Mis-quotes, mistakes, rumours, accusations, allegations, and plain-out lies are all presented as truth, and repeated, and shared.

Some genuinely don't understand that having an opinion isn't a legal defence, others believe they're untouchable "cos it's teh Internetz, ay".

It's "crowd mentality" and "mob rule" at its very worst. Even if a genuinely wrongly-accused celeb hauled a few Facebook and Twitter droogs into a court and successfully sued them for defamation, the herd wouldn't learn. "No smoke without fire" is the general mind-set - pesky little thing like "burden of proof" isn't going to stop them...

Message 45 of 96
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Don Burke - another accused abuser of women


Whiznumber6, I am hoping we will see a change with the media following Rebel Wilson's recently successful libel lawsuit. I think the media have been spreading malicious gossip about well known people for decades and have gotten away with it because of many of the reasons you raise. And we have been lapping it up. Basically, they gamble that the person will do nothing because they fear that some harm can even come from a win. But Rebel has shown that she will hold them accountable and they will face the legal consequences. I know her issues were different to those in this thread, but she sent a worldwide message out which I hope was paid attention to.

Message 46 of 96
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Don Burke - another accused abuser of women

Don Burke didn't waste any time hiring defamation lawyers.


So it's gotta go somewhere from here.

Message 47 of 96
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Don Burke - another accused abuser of women

@imastawka wrote:

Don Burke didn't waste any time hiring defamation lawyers.


So it's gotta go somewhere from here.


Not sure how that'll work - even if he takes one (main) accuser to court and wins, there's still another 49 or so left. Granted, some would probably back off if he wins, but he surely won't sue them all, and the "they can't all be lying" view will hold sway. The damage to his reputation is well and truly done.

His reputation wasn't great before - he was renowned throughout the industry as being arrogant and bad-tempered (not crimes, or I'd be inside for life!), but the misconduct stuff is whole other ball of wax. 

Message 48 of 96
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Don Burke - another accused abuser of women

Don't think he's suing individuals.


He's going after the publications for printing the stories.

Message 49 of 96
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Don Burke - another accused abuser of women

Community Member
Autism Experts Diagnose Don Burke As ‘A F*ckwit’

"Several experts in Asperger’s syndrome and autism have carefully analysed Don Burke’s behaviour and concluded that he is in fact a common ars*hole.


The specialists were commissioned to provide a professional opinion after Burke claimed his self-diagnosed Asperger’s could explain his sexual misconduct over the years."

Message 50 of 96
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