on 23-02-2015 05:32 PM
Is anyone else watching this and if so, are you as confused and frustrated as I am after last nights episode?
What the hell was the "Rachel" thing all about.
First someone smashes a window to get onto a house and wanders round looking for someone called Rachel.
Then it seems Rachel has disappeared and a search party, led by the sheriff sets out to look for her.
Then, while everyone is away, the guy to whom the sheriff lent a rifle (after confiscating the keys to his snow mobile comes to retrurn the rifle and wanders round looking for him.
Then, next minute (unless I dozed off and missed a crucial scene) everyone is back and carrying on as normal, with no further mention of either the search or the missing girl, except for one brief scene where the sheriff is in the bar (I think) talking to a girl, whom I can only presume to be Rachel, and asking her where she went and whether she saw anyone. Her only response is to ask him if he wants a drink and after a loooooooooong, meaningful (?) silence he gets up and walks out.
on 04-05-2015 10:28 PM
@the_great_she_elephant wrote:I thought they burned the house after the little girl - and presumably Elena, since we saw her in the hospttal - had been carried out. they did show the flames licking under that door, but whether the room caught fire we don't know.
We still don't know who owned the boat and stole the mammoth tusks either.
I thought that too. The sherif carried the girl out and then the house burned. I thought elena was in it when it burned or was it elena or the girl in the hospital with the sherif outside?
on 04-05-2015 10:30 PM
I'm pretty sure it was Elena.
on 05-05-2015 07:37 AM
@rabbitearbandicoot wrote:but the tusks wouldn't have fleshy bits for the grubs to hide in, would they? I think he sawed them off.
I haven't watched the show at all.
Rabbits, in response to your question about "fleshy bits" in tusks.
They have a marrow. See this from Curator training.
05-05-2015 02:44 PM - edited 05-05-2015 02:45 PM
is this from a book? ie are there some more chapters (or a second book) that they will make the 2nd series out of? Or are they frantically writing as we speak?
on 05-05-2015 02:54 PM
@rabbitearbandicoot wrote:is this from a book? ie are there some more chapters (or a second book) that they will make the 2nd series out of? Or are they frantically writing as we speak?
Never mind. I googled it and found this:
"9th April 2015: Writer Simon Donald is head down writing and we won’t shoot for a while,”
so, it's not an existing book(s) - it's written especially for TV. I hope he gets the continuity right.