Face Life Threading

 Hi all its a long time since I last posted.  Anyway I am starting to look a little old and saggy and I would live to have a face lift.  Dont want to go with the old style but would love to have the threading, less invasive, plus most important less expensive.


Has anyone had this done, does it hurt and does it work.

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Re: Face Life Threading

Az, I guess when you have been through necessary life saving surgery and scaring like so many of us have you kinda think differently, it's about looking into a mirror and liking what you see, if you don't like what you see it's time for counselling or soul searching.

Message 11 of 15
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Re: Face Life Threading

Yes, have to agree Freddie ๐Ÿ™‚

Message 12 of 15
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Re: Face Life Threading

I don't have anything against anyone who nip and tucks, each to their own, whatever makes you feel good about yourself but what I read on this threading bizzo....NO WAY!
Message 13 of 15
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Re: Face Life Threading

I have done some more research on it and apparently it will only last a few years and some of the procedures dont work, so I surpose I shall have to try and save up for a full face liftMan Indifferent  Oh I have just noticed the title of this thread says life instead of life Cat Wink

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Message 14 of 15
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Re: Face Life Threading

Lol and you did it again!
I'm glad you have read more, some of the things I read were terrible! People with wires protruding from behind there ears! OMG one even said she had tried to pull it out but it was barbed and too painful! Like I said I'm glad you changed your mind!
Message 15 of 15
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