Fairfax journo /liberal volunteer caught taking down Labour posters

Caught by those who put up the posters , Fairfax journo and Liberal volunteer  Monica O'Shea was photographed tearing them down in the electorate of Sturt.

Ms O'shea will not face police charges and has explained  that she took down the posters  of  political opponent  Rick Sarre  because they were 'poorly put up'


Mr Pyne has defended Ms O'Shea, insisting she was actually helping out.

He says he is proud of her.










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Fairfax journo /liberal volunteer caught taking down Labour posters

how to make a safe seat safer. (i hear she's related to jackie kellys husband, next will be fake pamphlets )

Message 2 of 9
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Fairfax journo /liberal volunteer caught taking down Labour posters

that reminded me of this ;     



Hart accused of `bullying' in market clash

STATE Burleigh MP Michael Hart has been accused of throwing his political weight around and "schoolboy bully tactics" by trying to have a Gold Coast Labor candidate kicked out of the local markets on the weekend.

Federal ALP candidate for McPherson Gail Hislop said she was told by Burleigh Market management the LNP MP had demanded she be removed because he took offence to the political slogans on her corflutes.

Mr Hart admitted he asked the market management to get involved because the slogans were "lies" but said the decision to ask her to leave was the market manager's, not his.

The political argy-bargy comes as Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has called the election for September 7.

Ms Hislop said she had manned a stall at the markets for the past few months and had never any trouble until Saturday.

"I believe it is up to the voters to decide and not have someone use standover tactics and try and gag a candidate," she said.

"We're a democratic society.

"It's almost like bullying in a school playground behaviour," Ms Hislop said

She said she was eventually allowed to stay but only if she moved away from Mr Hart's stall and took down the corflutes.

One was about hospital cuts and the other about education funding.

Mr Hart, who had a mobile office at the markets as did federal MP Karen Andrews, said the markets were no place for politicking.

"I highlighted it to them that these people were politicking, (the market organisers) made the rest of the decisions themselves," he said.

"They had nasty, nasty slogans saying (Queensland Premier) Campbell Newman was closing down hospitals which is an absolute lie.

"They're very childish comments."

Mr Hart said his presence at the markets was not political because it was part of his mobile office.

He said he could not recall if he ever attended markets during his previous election campaigns.

Former Labor Member for Burleigh Christine Smith, who was with Ms Hislop, said the incident was disappointing.

"I was pretty upset that Michael should try to move a stallholder, no matter what type of stallholder we are," she said.

Burleigh Markets manager Liana Baffari did not return calls to the Bulletin yesterday.


Message 3 of 9
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Fairfax journo /liberal volunteer caught taking down Labour posters

@topsidesoul wrote:


Mr Pyne has defended Ms O'Shea, insisting she was actually helping out.

He says he is proud of her.


  It's very likely she has socks appeal too, (but not to him of course).

Message 4 of 9
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Fairfax journo /liberal volunteer caught taking down Labour posters

I only posted it because he has the seat in the bag and the fact that is a journo, the lady should know better.


Wierd the story never got picked up further.

Message 5 of 9
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Fairfax journo /liberal volunteer caught taking down Labour posters


filthy tactics, 100 of peter beattie's posters 'ave gone walkabout also

Message 6 of 9
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Fairfax journo /liberal volunteer caught taking down Labour posters

@topsidesoul wrote:

I only posted it because he has the seat in the bag and the fact that is a journo, the lady should know better.


Wierd the story never got picked up further.

None of the stories go further. It's been happening in a lot of electorates. 

It seems rather childish to destroy, remove and cover other candidates photos, not the behaviour I expect of members of parliament.

Message 7 of 9
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Fairfax journo /liberal volunteer caught taking down Labour posters

I don't see anything wrong with it, I have been pulling down Turnbull posters, shredding them and using them for packing material.


It's all about the environment and recycling.

Message 8 of 9
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Fairfax journo /liberal volunteer caught taking down Labour posters

I was driving through a very ghetto style neighbourhood and was amazed at a poster that featured a  curled ye olde english moustach drawn on the candidate.


Laughed so hard I nearly crashed into the next lightpole.

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