Former Labor ministers found to be corrupt: ICAC

Community Member

Ian Macdonald, Eddie Obeid facing charges after being found by ICAC to have acted corruptly

FORMER NSW Labor powerbroker Eddie Obeid and former mining minister Ian Macdonald have been found by the NSW ICAC to have acted corruptly and referred for possible criminal charges.


The long-running Independent Commission Against Corruption inquiry has also made corruption findings against Mr Obeid's son Moses.


The findings follow six months of sensational hearings and more than 150 witnesses.


ICAC has found the one-time head of the powerful Labor right faction Mr Obeid and his son Moses acted corruptly in the process of obtaining and selling a mining exploration licence on their property.


ICAC today tabled its report into three investigations that ran over a six month-period, finding corruption reached some of the highest levels in both the right and left of the NSW Labor Party.


The ICAC also found that senior mining executives Travers Duncan and John McGuigan acted corruptly, as did well known business figure John Kinghorn.


The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption has found that Ian Macdonald, The Hon Edward Obeid MLC (Edward Obeid Sr), Moses Obeid, Travers Duncan, John McGuigan, John Atkinson, John Kinghorn and Richard Poole engaged in corrupt conduct in relation to their action involving the Mount Penny mining tenement in the Bylong Valley,” it said.



Message 1 of 27
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Re: Labor is CORRUPT

i think Abbotts rorted travel alowances (he is leader after all) are the most damning. the rest is  old. but if you want i can come back with a better list of liberal rorters.

Message 2 of 27
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Re: Labor is CORRUPT

I think the ultimate in corruption is the Ashbygate affair. A staffer spying on his employer, setting him up, stealing his private diary to give to Mal Brough to assist his electoral challenge, dodgy lawyers providing media with court info prior to notifying Slipper, arranging it so it happened during an overseas visit, obtaining fraudulent medical certificate from a central Qld doctor ... and all this, in a disgusting underhand way to unbalance the power in our parliament.

It's appalling that this issue isn't front page every day...and that Abbott protects the criminals.

and on a more positive note, did you see kevin has his own safety vest and hard hat, with his name printed on the,? Haha, love it!
Message 3 of 27
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Re: Labor is CORRUPT

I should add, the dodgy central qld medical centre that provided the fraudulent medical certificate refused to provide one to me, nor would they tell me how much I'd need to pay 😞

They should be struck off for what they did.
Message 4 of 27
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Re: Labor is CORRUPT


pales into insignificance, compared to the corruption of  bjelke-petersen


"Within months of becoming premier, Bjelke-Petersen encountered his first controversy over allegations of conflict of interest. In April 1959, while still a backbencher, he had paid ₤2 for an Authority to Prospect, giving him the right to search for oil over 150,000 km2 near Hughenden in far north Queensland. The next month he incorporated a company, Artesian Basin Oil Co. Pty Ltd, of which he was sole director and shareholder, and the same day entered an agreement to sell 51% of the company's shares to an American company for ₤12,650. The following day he sought the consent of Mines Minister Ernie Evans to transfer the oil search authority to Artesian for ₤2; the consent was given a week later. When the Taxation Commissioner's ruled that the ₤12,650 windfall from the ₤2 authority was a taxable profit, Bjelke-Petersen appealed, eventually taking the matter to the High Court. The appeal was dismissed, with Justice Taylor ruling that Bjelke-Petersen's six million percent gain from the ₤2 authority arose from "a profit-making undertaking". In 1962 Artesian transferred its Authority to Prospect to a new company, Exoil NL, for ₤190,000, and Bjelke-Petersen in turn bought a million shares in Exoil. On 1 September 1968, three weeks after becoming premier, Bjelke-Petersen's government gave two companies, Exoil NL and Transoil NL—in both of which he was a major shareholder—six-year leases to prospect for oil on the Great Barrier Reef north of Cooktown. Opposition Leader Jack Houston revealed the Premier's financial involvement in the companies at a press conference in March 1969, where he asserted Bjelke-Petersen had gained "fabulous wealth" from the ₤2 prospecting authority, which had now mushroomed into Exoil shares worth $720,000. Bjelke-Petersen said he had done nothing wrong, but resigned his directorship of Artesian in favour of his wife.[12]

Message 5 of 27
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Re: Labor is CORRUPT

this is like tennis isn't it?


you lob me one, I'll slam one back!


Smiley LOL

Message 6 of 27
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Re: Labor is CORRUPT

Bob "Run the b****rds over"Askin
Henry Bolte
John Howard (war crimes)
Bob Menzies (war crimes)
Barry O Farrell -The Packer casino deal stinks to high heaven.
Want some more?
Message 7 of 27
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Re: Labor is CORRUPT

Wow thats desperate going all the way back to 1959 and POUNDS SHILLINGS and PENCE days.  

@not_an_eloi wrote:


pales into insignificance, compared to the corruption of  bjelke-petersen




His lob is out of the 1960's.. 50 odd years ago.... 


This is NOW and LABOR has just been proved to be corrupt to the core...  But then most people knew this  anyway

@icyfroth wrote:

this is like tennis isn't it?


you lob me one, I'll slam one back!


Smiley LOL

Message 8 of 27
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Re: Labor is CORRUPT

And yes Obeid and Macdonald are corrupt and should be dealt with accordingly.

Message 9 of 27
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Re: Labor is CORRUPT

o'course they should



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