Four Day Music Challenge - Theme is:   Lollies, Sweets, Candy etc

Four Day Music Challenge - Theme is:   Lollies, Sweets, Candy etc

Ends Wednesday 23rd  March in the afternoon.


The poster of the song which has  the most ‘Helpfuls’ at the end of the challenge wins the round.


The winner then chooses the next theme, hosts it and declares the winner at the end of the challenge.  In the event of a tie, the OP will declare the winner.


Have fun

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Four Day Music Challenge - Theme is:   Lollies, Sweets, Candy etc

It was a low scoring round this time but Stawka wins with Candyman by Christine Aguilera.  

Well deserved, its a great video clip 😀


Over to you for the next theme Stawka

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Four Day Music Challenge - Theme is:   Lollies, Sweets, Candy etc

Thanks Amber and everyone else.


I love that clip as well.


Thinking cap on - getting harder.



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