GERMANY incest between siblings

Community Member

GERMANY’S national ethics council wants to allow incest between siblings


German Ethics Council votes in favour of allowing incest between siblings 


GERMANY’S national ethics council wants to allow incest between siblings, saying the risk of disability in children isn’t enough to warrant the law.


The Independent reports that the council made the recommendation after reviewing the case of Patrick Stuebing, a man who was adopted as a child and met his half-sister when he was 24 and she was 16.


The pair have four children together, however he was jailed for three years in 2008 and his sister, Susan Karolewski, was only allowed to keep one out of their four children.


Two of the children are disabled although it is unclear if that is a result of their parents being related.


Overnight, the German Ethics Council recommended that Section 173 of the German criminal code, which makes incest an offence under which offenders can be jailed for years, be repealed.


The chairman of the council, Christiane Woopen, was among the 14 members voting in favour of repealing the law, while nine people voted for the ban to continue and two abstained.


“The majority of the German Ethics Council is of the opinion that it is not appropriate for a criminal law to preserve a social taboo,” the council said. “In the case of consensual incest among adult siblings, neither the fear of negative consequences for the family, nor the possibility of the birth of children from such incestuous relationships can justify a criminal prohibition.


“The fundamental right of adult siblings to sexual self-determination has more weight in such cases than the abstract protection of the family,” the council added. “Incest between siblings appears to be very rare in Western societies according to the available data but those affected describe how difficult their situation is in light of the threat of punishment.”


Elisabeth Winkelmeier-Becker, a spokeswoman for Angela Merkel’s CDU party, said the abolition of the law against incest would send the wrong message.


“Abolishing criminal punishment against incestuous actions within a family would go completely against protecting the undisturbed development of children,” she told Deutsche Welle.


The Ethics Council’s recommendation only covered incest between siblings and members did not recommend decriminalising sex between parents and children.

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GERMANY incest between siblings

@kilroy_is_here wrote:
Yes it was and I stand by that , but there is a difference between crying like a baby about how injured by my posts you are and pointing out the fact that you are missing the chance of debating moral s v law and the links between them by focusing on minor details of my posts, personally I'm not the perturbed if you like me or my post or if you are even truelly interested in a robust discussion as you say that's your call

I don't recall anyone crying like a baby over your posts..................and I am not posting here to make friends or enemies.

I post within the rules and discuss what I am interested in, it is not up to you to determine which parts of any post I can focus on, minor detail (to you) or not.

Message 81 of 95
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GERMANY incest between siblings

Do I have to?   Smiley Indifferent    Will I learn anything?

Message 82 of 95
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GERMANY incest between siblings

Allie, read a few pages and see if you enjoy it. I think that it's a pretty interesting tale written by someone with a very vivid imagination.
Message 83 of 95
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GERMANY incest between siblings

I did have to go to Sunday School and whatever else everyone did back then, but never was convinced of anything (too intelligent).


A real "Christian" answer was given to me when at the age of 24 when I had no one to go to for help (about domestic violence), I went to a leading person (female) of the church I had gone to as a child.  Her answer to me was "You made your bed, you lie in it". 


Sorry, off topic

Message 84 of 95
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GERMANY incest between siblings

(((Allie))), there is no question that some Christians are very un-Christian. I'm sorry that happened to you.
Message 85 of 95
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GERMANY incest between siblings

Thanks, Katy.  We all learn about the world and the people in it from our experiences.

Message 86 of 95
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GERMANY incest between siblings

@kilroy_is_here wrote:
Yes it was and I stand by that , but there is a difference between crying like a baby about how injured by my posts you are and pointing out the fact that you are missing the chance of debating moral s v law and the links between them by focusing on minor details of my posts, personally I'm not the perturbed if you like me or my post or if you are even truelly interested in a robust discussion as you say that's your call

How is accusing another poster of crying like a baby engaging in robust disscussion?


We have been engaged in discussion.  If people disagree with you it means they disagree with your opinion of the topic at hand, that's all.  Those disagreeing don't believe these people should be sent to prison for having sex with their half sibling that met as young adults

Message 87 of 95
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GERMANY incest between siblings

@karliandjacko wrote:

@katydidthat wrote:

What I read, many years ago, is that incest between siblings was not only wrong because of potential inherited diseases, but because the children had grown up together.  They had shared experiences that WERE related to childhood.  (I'm sure we can all remember some of those).  The concept of two siblings having a relationship skipped a developmental stage - that of growing up and taking a partner with whom they did not share a background.  

The half siblings in the article in question did not grow up together. They met when he was 24 and she 16.

There is something worrying about man of 24 being interested in 16 years old, and considering that she is mentally challenged makes it even more so.  But did  jailing him really solve anything?  By then she was much older anyway.  Why not just suggest he has vasectomy, and leave them alone?  Well, besides monitoring that they ar capable taking care of the child living with them.


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 88 of 95
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GERMANY incest between siblings

Who will be able to pinpoint genetic siblings in a few years? Unless they are registered by the same parent, it will be bedlam regarding incest.

IVF, surogacy, donor eggs and sperm. All those things happening in different countries and most have no acurate way of keeping tab on proper registration.

How many sisters and brothers will become couples in future and not know how closely they are related?

It's a small world.


Erica Woman Surprised

Message 89 of 95
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GERMANY incest between siblings

Yes, Erica.  Years ago students earned their rent money by donating again and again. 


On 4 corners last week, about Thailand surrogacy, it was stated that a Japanese man collected 16 babies every year from surrogate mothers.


Plus a bit of promiscuity added to the mix. 


There probably have been sibling couplings in the past that no-one will ever know about.

Message 90 of 95
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