1. Genetically modified foods (or GM foods) arefoods produced from organisms that have had specific changes introduced into their DNA using the methods of genetic engineering. There a two main types of genetically modified crops. 

Bt, or bacillus thuringiensis, is a type of soil-dwelling bacteria that produces a protein toxic to many insects. Bt crops are engineered to produce the Bt toxin within the plant itself, acting as a built-in insecticide. Bt toxin kills crop pests by dissolving the insect’s gut lining.
Roundup Ready crops are engineered to be resistant to Roundup, a Monsanto brand of herbicide. The active ingredient in Roundup herbicide is glyphosate, a commonly used weed-killer.


I know very little about this topic. I'm Interested to hear what ya'll know or think about GMO foods.





Message 1 of 131
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@secondhand-wonderland wrote:

, but when gmo's were introduced into a commercial honey bee population a couple of years ago 96% of the bees died.  Remeber the honey shortage? That was caused by genetically modified plants.


It is not as simple as that, although more chemicals on crops can only be detrimental to bees.  But bees are dying even in countries where they do not have GM crops.  The reason is  an exotic parasite, which is spreading through the world’s honey bees and global warming is making it worse, according to a study that shows it will present increasing problems in North America and Europe. 


Europe has only last year permitted the use of GM crops, so you cannot link GM to the bees collapse few years back. 


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 11 of 131
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@this-one-time-at-bandcamp wrote:

Jackson County, Oregon, where I live, successfully passed a law that prohibits growing GMO crops, and a state-wide law requiring labelling wass narrowly defeated last year, after opponents (read: Monsanto and cronies) spent nearly  $11 million.........


In Oregon, the bee population is seeing a fact, the city council yesterday passed a law permitting up to 3 hives per property plot.

I heard about that (watched the movie Bought last night) I so hope it opens up the conversation in other states (and countries) to at least get some serious scientific testing done (and not these manipulated studies funded by the big food and big parma companies) Independent peer reviewed studies that can test the effects these gmo's have on people.   


Look at the increase in auto immune diseases, behavioural problems, diabetes, autism, cancer these diseases and ailments have increased exponentially (especially in children) since the introduction of gmo's and the massive increase in the vaccination schedule.  NO I didn't just say vaccines cause autism (we've already gone through that debate here recently) so if it's NOT the vaccines, maybe it has something to do with the massive increase in gmo food that we consume.  And look at baby formula, it's loaded with gmo's... Studies have shown that a formula fed newborn has entirely different intestinal flora  to that of a breast fed newborn.  (about 70% of immunity comes from the gut lining) Combine that with introducing "novel" DNA into a tiny immature digestive system as well neurotoixins, adjuvents, attenuated viruses, formeldehyde. dead animal viruses all within the fist 24 hours of life outside the womb.  


It's a big call I know, and I'm no scientist, but even the most vehement vaccine and/or gmo advocates would have to agree that is a LOT of unknowns right there...  





Message 12 of 131
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@***super_nova*** wrote:

@this-one-time-at-bandcamp wrote:

Well, when your descendants grow gills and rat tails.........I'll be in the front row, going, "Na na na-na na".......Smiley LOL

you better stop eating fish if you are afraid of growing gills. 🙂 


More important question is considering that humans share about 50% of their genes with bananas, is it canibalism to eat them?

We share about:

90% with chimps

88% with mouse

85% with cow

84% with dog

73% with zebra fish

69% with platypus

65% with chicken

47% with fruit fly

44% honey bee

38% round worm

24% grape wine

18% baker's yeast





Glad you mentioned that Nova, I was actually going to use that as a counter arguement.   The main thing your list there shows is how small differences in DNA can make a huge difference in the way life takes shape. 

Message 13 of 131
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@***super_nova*** wrote:

@secondhand-wonderland wrote:

, but when gmo's were introduced into a commercial honey bee population a couple of years ago 96% of the bees died.  Remeber the honey shortage? That was caused by genetically modified plants.


It is not as simple as that, although more chemicals on crops can only be detrimental to bees.  But bees are dying even in countries where they do not have GM crops.  The reason is  an exotic parasite, which is spreading through the world’s honey bees and global warming is making it worse, according to a study that shows it will present increasing problems in North America and Europe. 


Europe has only last year permitted the use of GM crops, so you cannot link GM to the bees collapse few years back. 

Not just chemicals Nova, pesticides and fugicides in general. Do you have any links explaining about the exotic parasite? I found this explaing Canads problem with pesticides and declining bee populations.


Beekeepers and a growing body of scientific research say the neonicotinoid class of pesticide that has become widely used in the past decade is contributing to the decline in populations of bees and other pollinators. They say the chemicals designed to protect crops against worms and other pests are weakening beneficial insects and making them more vulnerable to viruses, parasites and loss of food supply.

Neonicotinoids, known as neonics, are applied by the seed companies on corn, canola and some soybeans. They are also used by vegetable farmers and growers of ornamental flowers.

Message 14 of 131
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@secondhand-wonderland wrote:

Not just chemicals Nova, pesticides and fugicides in general.

I used the word chemicals because it encompasses all man made compounds released into our environment.  What I meant was that pesticides, fungicides, herbicides as well as pollution from our industries, and car emissions are most likely detrimental to bees.  So obviously crops that are sprayed more will have effect on bees.  


it has been some time ago when I was looking into the hive collapse; my info came from articles published by the Royal Society, and others from The Nature, New Scientist and other reputable journals


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 15 of 131
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@secondhand-wonderland wrote:

Glad you mentioned that Nova, I was actually going to use that as a counter arguement.   The main thing your list there shows is how small differences in DNA can make a huge difference in the way life takes shape. 

Not really, we are talking about % from thousands, and 1 gene with specific characteristic does not have effect other than its role.  The gene that makes your hair curly will not turn you into poodle.


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 16 of 131
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No, but the gene that makes a Poodle's hair curly coould have you barking up the wrong tree.........

Message 17 of 131
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Smiley LOL

Message 18 of 131
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@***super_nova*** wrote:

@secondhand-wonderland wrote:

Glad you mentioned that Nova, I was actually going to use that as a counter arguement.   The main thing your list there shows is how small differences in DNA can make a huge difference in the way life takes shape. 

Not really, we are talking about % from thousands, and 1 gene with specific characteristic does not have effect other than its role.  The gene that makes your hair curly will not turn you into poodle.

how do you explain Christopher Pyne?

Message 19 of 131
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@this-one-time-at-bandcamp wrote:

Well, when your descendants grow gills and rat tails.........I'll be in the front row, going, "Na na na-na na".......Smiley LOL

that's what worries me... are we going going to be genetically modified in the future from eating this food??

Message 20 of 131
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