GST................................................Mr Abbott

How much is Mr Abbott going to put the GST up by???


Sunrise have mentioned this this morning??


before election no it won't change .............

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Re: GST................................................Mr Abbott

personally, I don't have a problem with the GST. The GST my business claimed back paid off our car.

My point was politicians say whatever they have to to win the votes.


Message 21 of 33
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Re: GST................................................Mr Abbott

If it goes up I would predict by 2.5%.. from 10% to 12.5%.


NZ has 15% GST ( progressed from  10 - 12.5 - 15%). They do not have stamp duty on sale of properties either. That is a huge money spinner for some States in Aust.


UK - 20% VAT (GST).


Apart from consumers an increase in GST would hit small businesses hard. An extra  2.5 - 5% on the cost  would make consumers baulk in the current economic climate.

Message 22 of 33
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Re: GST................................................Mr Abbott

@catmad*2013 wrote:

How much is Mr Abbott going to put the GST up by???



This is the fear mongering... from the OP.... 




We don't know how much it will go up by; we don't even know for sure that it will go up, but we do know that several Liberal insiders are suggesting it should and  the Premier of WA is actively campaigning for it.

For all those reasons,  we'd be stupid not to be a bit fearful - if or when it happens, we shall no longer be fearful, we shall be angry.

Message 23 of 33
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Re: GST................................................Mr Abbott

Today - 20 Sept 2013


Tony Abbott dismisses fresh push to re-examine the GST


TONY Abbott has moved swiftly to reject new calls to consider increasing the goods and services tax, as state and territory leaders pushed for a re-examination of the consumption tax.

In his first week in the job the Prime Minister has come under renewed pressure from West Australian Liberal Premier Colin Barnett, who has publicly called on Mr Abbott to “step up to the plate” and address the insufficient revenue pool from the GST.


The ACT's Labor Chief Minister Katy Gallagher backed Mr Barnett's call for a national debate about possible changes to the GST.

But a spokesman for the Prime Minister said today “the GST won't change, full stop, end of story”.


No other states are backing a move for an increase in GST.

Message 24 of 33
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Re: GST................................................Mr Abbott

@barry1jodie1 wrote:
Would you happy to pay it if labor was going to put the GST up?

Not the slightest....I would be just as angry.........people are already struggling and thats what the LNP party went to the polls with.


People struggling under Labor  and with the carbon tax removed we were promised that the cost of living will go down (somehow removing said tax will automatically make indapendant companes decide that taking advantage of climate change to raise their costs and  revenue ...... was not the moral thing to do).....


We were also promised 'no surprises' and years back 'no GST'.....then when it came in we were promised to be refunded through our taxes....which never happened.


Rise in GST = consumer confidence going down

Message 25 of 33
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Re: GST................................................Mr Abbott

@barry1jodie1 wrote:
Would you happy to pay it if labor was going to put the GST up?

Yes... in fact I would. 


Just like I don't mind paying more in a Medicare levy for the NDIS. 


I live in a community that is a major retirement area and I see how burdened the health system is.... we need lots more money and if increasing the GST is a way to do it then I think that is fair. 



Message 26 of 33
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Re: GST................................................Mr Abbott

@1966kelso wrote:

Wasn't it little Johnny Howard who said there would be NO GST as part of his election campaign

and wasn't it little johnny howard who introduced GST?


Why would it be any different this time. It's just a matter of time......

John Howard took it to an election after eh changed his mind. 


He won... 


If Gillard had taken the CO2 tax to an election and won I would have disliked it but I would have sucked it up and moved on. 


I suggest that people be thankful for the GST that helps fund that little old hospital that you might visit, or the school your kids might go to... 

Message 27 of 33
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Re: GST................................................Mr Abbott

as you can see i have NOT been fear mongering................................... its been talked about all day in all forms of media............. therefore i am NOT a liar!!  


Thank You

You are here for a good time
not a long time so enjoy life
Message 28 of 33
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Re: GST................................................Mr Abbott

whatever.... Cat Indifferent

Message 29 of 33
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Re: GST................................................Mr Abbott

@catmad*2013 wrote:

@boots551 wrote:

How much is Mr Abbott going to put the GST up by???


Sunrise have mentioned this this morning??


before election no it won't change .............

fear mongering by the team that lost.... 


I know there will be no GST increase.. they will be taking a good look into the tax system. There may be an increase in the many years to come if everyone asks for it. 


Everyone wants all these new services... take the NDIS for example... that is going to cost us billions and we need to find out where the cash is coming from. So far it is not funded four years out. 


I would happily pay and extra 5% on GST to pay for important services. 

Hang on, I thought that the increase in medicare was supposed to fund the NDIS - what happened to that?

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
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