on โ07-02-2015 09:01 AM
Australia and Australians don't need them.
They all lie, cost too much and are a waste of time and space.
We need to run our beautiful country for our wonderful people by introducing Referendum system like is done in other countries.
We, the people decide what needs to be introduced, we vote per referendums and competent administrators then 'administrate' the changes.
Solved! Go to Solution.
on โ07-02-2015 09:24 AM
on โ07-02-2015 09:25 AM
The Swedish system of government. All public power proceeds from the people. This is the foundation of parliamentary democracy in Sweden.
Everyone has the same rights, the same opportunity to have their say, and everyone is free to scrutinise how the politicians and public agencies exercise their power.
on โ07-02-2015 09:27 AM
Many Aussies are too focused on drinking I agree....hence why I kudoed your previous comment. Most are not lazy though. Idisagree with you saying they are lazy regards work. .....regards political issues and the governing of our country most are apathetic which is different to being lazy.
on โ07-02-2015 09:29 AM
on โ07-02-2015 09:44 AM
In Sweden, couples are entitled to 480 days of paid parental leave, and this time can be shared between parents.
some interesting facts about Sweden!
In 2013, Sweden topped the RobecoSAM Country Sustainability Ranking, which ranks 59 countries based on 17 environmental, social and governance indicators.
Sweden remains one of the worldโs least corrupt countries, ranked fourth on Transparency Internationalโs Corruption Perceptions Index 2012.
on โ07-02-2015 09:45 AM
ref Corruption and self interest will always govern this country
Only if we continue to allow
on โ07-02-2015 09:46 AM
on โ07-02-2015 09:47 AM
So, how do we start to change our system of government then?
on โ07-02-2015 09:48 AM
on โ07-02-2015 09:48 AM