Going too far???

Woman willing to swap her kitten for an iPad

Sophie Brown pets

A Melbourne woman’s online ad to swap her kitten for an iPad has outraged animal rights groups.


How far would you go to get your hands on an iPad? A technology-crazed Melbournian woman is willing to exchange her 8-month-old purebred Russian Blue kitten for the popular tablet computer.

Using Gumtree to advertise her proposed swap, the Melton woman was willing to accept an iPhone 5, $700, or the nearest offer.


The woman’s desperate attempt to hunt down an iPad has alarmed animal rights groups, with RSPCA spokesman Tim Pilgrim labelling the ad “distasteful and inappropriate”.

"It's very concerning that people think they are able to trade a living creature for an electronic item," Mr Pilgrim told media.


Suggesting that the owner should turn the kitten in if unable to care for it, Mr Pilgrim told media, “We'd encourage her to surrender the kitten and let us give it the second chance it deserves - and make sure it goes to the right home, and not just someone who turns up with an iPad."


Animal Aid spokeswoman Debora Boland was also disturbed by the ad, "It's just indicative of how little animals are valued," Ms Boland told media.


Refusing to be named, the kitten’s owner confirmed the legitimacy of the ad, insisting she loved her pet but needed to find it another home after she was threatened with eviction by her landlord.

"I'm not being irresponsible, I am trying to find a good home for my kitten," the woman told media.

"If I take her to a shelter, she could get put down if no one takes her... all I'm doing is giving people the opportunity to buy her, who might not be able to afford it," the woman has said.


The controversial ad has since been removed from the Gumtree website.

Message 1 of 30
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Going too far???

I'm glad Gumtree removed it but other animals aren't so lucky as they do 

allow the advertising of free to a good home there.     😞

Message 2 of 30
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Going too far???

Poor little kitty 😞


Still, I'm thinking if a person is willing to exchange a fairly valuable item like an iPad for the kitten, then that person would value it. 

Better than surrendering it to a shelter, IMO.


Be back later

Message 3 of 30
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Going too far???

"I'm not being irresponsible, I am trying to find a good home for my kitten," the woman told media.

"If I take her to a shelter, she could get put down if no one takes her... all I'm doing is giving people the opportunity to buy her, who might not be able to afford it," the woman has said.



The woman wanted $700 for the poor little kitten.......what opportunity was she giving those who might not be able to afford it? Anyone can go to the cat adoption and buy a kitten for less than $100

Message 4 of 30
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Going too far???

people swap $700 dollars for these cats so why not an Ipad ? i fail to see the difference. its a case of how well the cat is treated surely.

Message 5 of 30
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Going too far???

I saw an ad on Gumtree a while back for a little South American, I think, bird - had white rings around it's eyes. Some species of parrot. Someone will know. It was a giveaway. Had a photo of the poor thing - was obviously used to people. Was photographed out of its cage in her loungeroom . Anyway she wanted to offload it quick as she'd just started a fulltime job. Can you imagine the number of deadbeats who know nothing about caring for a bird like this who would rock up to claim it. A lot of people think birds are easy to care for - I can tell you first-hand they are not. I have 2 Quaker {monk) parrots. Parrots need a lot of stimulation to be happy. I hate it immensely when I see birds in particular as giveaways to whoever just rolls in. One can only pray it went to kind people but there's a lot who think "it's only a bird" - obviously in their estimation not worth the effort you'd put in for a cat or dog. Or they have kids who like to tease the hell out of it and the stupid parents wonder why the sad creature starts biting everyone. Previous poster here is quite right. Publications should not be permitted to advertise animals as free.

Message 6 of 30
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Going too far???

a pet bought from a pet shop or breeder doesn't guarantee its treatment.

Message 7 of 30
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Going too far???

I would gladly swap an ipad for the kitten just to make sure the poor thing was given a chance...but her reasoning was appalling.


Will this have set a presendence for others to start selling off pets in exchange for the lastest gadgets 😞

Message 8 of 30
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Going too far???

I would gladly swap an ipad for the kitten just to make sure the poor thing was given a chance


so why dont you contact her and do a deal, then you'd both be happy



agrees with LL

Signatures suck.
Message 9 of 30
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Going too far???

You assume I own an ipad....I don't.

Message 10 of 30
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