on 05-09-2014 10:52 AM
Love a happy ending
Great Dane survives after eating 43 socks – and its hospital wins a prize
on 05-09-2014 11:42 AM
I still quite often find sockpoos in the garden but he is getting better. It's a real worry sometimes. A few days ago I found one that was wrapped in cling film.
on 05-09-2014 11:49 AM
at sockpoos. Thanks for the image J*
We had a dog eat and entire loaf of bread, and the bread bag, almost still whole, came out the other end. She was a worry, but she lived to 13 or 14, good innings for a bull terrier.
A couple of Easters she got in and ate my chocolate AND the foil, she had the prettiest poos of all the dogs in the neighbourhood. LOL.
on 05-09-2014 01:08 PM
on 05-09-2014 03:20 PM
@j*oono wrote:I still quite often find sockpoos in the garden but he is getting better. It's a real worry sometimes. A few days ago I found one that was wrapped in cling film.
I justy saw a photo of the socks. They don't even look like sock poo. You can still see the pictures on the socks. Eeewww. eeww. If only I didn't know where they had been.
on 05-09-2014 03:34 PM
They don't look too fresh and clean either karlia!
They would have to have been hosed off before being laid out like that.
on 06-09-2014 03:53 PM
Through the washing-----------intestines--etc.
Always an odd sock left over--one of lifes mysteries ...................Richo.
on 06-09-2014 07:54 PM
I own a Great Dane, she hasn't eaten any of my socks yet, but she has destroyed my favourite pair of pyjama bottoms. Also, she only pulls my clothes off the line, she then uses whatever she's grabbed as a blanket to lay on and go to sleep.
on 06-09-2014 08:16 PM
A picture of the little darling, she's one next Sunday, and still has 12 months of growing to do!!
on 06-09-2014 08:18 PM
She is just beautiful Tay.