Greyhound Racing Banned in NSW

just heard a breaking news story on ABC radio saying the NSW govt will ban greyhound racing as of mid next year.


as an owner of an ex racer but not in nsw i will watch with great interest this story as it unfolds.

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Greyhound Racing Banned in NSW

Great news, I never thought it would happen.   Now for Vic to follow. 

Message 2 of 215
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Greyhound Racing Banned in NSW

Fantastic news  but dont hold your breath waiting for Vic to follow  ......  Vic is the only Aust state that still allows innocent ducks to be shot  ...... and s only 1 of 2 states that still allows jumps racing  

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Greyhound Racing Banned in NSW

i think we still shoot ducks in south australia.


our minister for racing says there is no evedence of cuelty to animals in south oz greyhound racing, hes got his head in the sand but we'll get it banned here eventually.

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Greyhound Racing Banned in NSW

Sorry, I was wrong re duck shooting, thought it was still only legal in Vic


I dont hope grey hound racing is totally banned in all Aust state and territories, sadly I dot think it happen   ... Money talks as they say



I personally hate all types of racing which involves the use of innocent animals  .. I dont even watch the Melb cup



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Greyhound Racing Banned in NSW

my only concern about the banning of greyhound racing is what will become of this beautiful breed of dog.


there is no place outside racing at this time for greyhounds, theres no show dogs in this breed so once racing ends i see no reason for breeding to carry on.


and if the authorities do creat a show breed for them would the breeders not begin breeding all the things that make greyhounds beautiful out of them. look  what theyve done to so many other breeds in order to create the perfect show dogs.


id never go back to any other breed now that ive experienced these gentle giants.

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Greyhound Racing Banned in NSW

That concerns me as well, I can only hope that more people will be prepared to adopt them  ..... I hope they dont create a show breed, I own German Shepherds and am quite disgusted at the way the show breeders have altered their shape,  some of them look nothing like the original  GSD breed.

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Greyhound Racing Banned in NSW


@bushies.girl wrote:

That concerns me as well, I can only hope that more people will be prepared to adopt them  ..... I hope they dont create a show breed, I own German Shepherds and am quite disgusted at the way the show breeders have altered their shape,  some of them look nothing like the original  GSD breed.


Greyhounds are a show breed, always have been, but the racing dogs are nowadays too different to make it in the show ring.


I have to say I am left somewhat stunned about this ban.  On one hand I do not believe that making greyhound run is in any way cruel, unlike horse that is belted be ugly little man on his back, greyhound just loves to run.  BUT once betting and big money is introduced that is when all the horrible cruel practices start happening.  In many European countries greyhounds and Whippets are raced without betting, without big prize money.  There are racing clubs and dogs are family pets that on weekends are taken to a track for bit of fun, and the owners have picnic, and nobody destroys dogs that do not quite win.  I went to such races in France, where the Parisian Racing Club has 5 acres on which they built their track.  It was a lovely friendly day with all different sighthound breeds running in different classes; from beautifully groomed Afghans to the tiny Italian Greyhounds.


The thing is that greyhound racing in Australia always had problems and nobody seriously tried to clean  it up.  I remember when dogs that did not run were just bashed on their heads and dumped, so ear tattoos were introduced.  Then dogs were bashed over the head, their ears cut off and then, some still half alive, were dumped.  So the Racing Authorities introduced subsidised euthanasia programs so the dog owners could have them put down fro couple of dollars with no questions asked.  But that still did not sort out all the practices of cruelty.  Anybody capable of allowing dog to maul small live animal tied down, is not somebody who would have an ounce of compassion for the dogs either.  My friend used to have a GAP greyhound and she had a meat for all her dogs delivered from local greyhound trainer.  This greyhound was the loveliest friendliest dog ever, but he was absolutely petrified when the greyhound man came and was unloading the meat into a freezer.

I just find it weird, the government was able to just wipe this industry out with simple legislation, yet they still allow various horrendous puppy farms to exist.  I think that more beneficial would be to introduce much stronger bill to control any animal cruelty, with very hefty fines, immediate business closure and Australia wide ban on keeping animals etc.


I wonder is it possible to mount a legal challenge to this bill?



Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 8 of 215
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Greyhound Racing Banned in NSW

today i hear people from the racing side of this complaining they are being singled out whilst the horse racing fraternity is getting left alone as they are a much bigger player.


that may well be, and id ban horse racing too, but you cant run around pointing at others doing wrong as a reason you should be left alone. the figures that have emerged on healthy dogs being killed by various means are horrific.


not once have i heard from the racing people a way to stop to the excess breeding of dogs that get quickly tested as 'goers' or 'non goers'


the nons 99% of the time have an end to life as soon as its decided theres no racing furure in them


then of the good to race ones how many actually reach a race track? love to know that.


the greyhound trainers must be able to switch off their emotions to be involved in an industry where so many of the animals they rely on for an income are so disposable.


just how many dogs, all dogs, are we killing in australia each year? i mean not just greyhounds but all the pets we dont want anymore, the lost dogs no one looks for, the ones born to strays that wind up at animal welfare sites. must be over 100,000 each year.


at last here in south australia they are introducing into law all cats and dogs not used for registered breeding must be desexed and microchipped. no more back yard breeders, no more just 1 litter to make pooch a 'whole' dog or cat.


if we really do this right eventually we should see a decrease in the numbers of unwanted cats and dogs.

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Greyhound Racing Banned in NSW

i really didnt know there was a catagory for 'showing' greyhounds, i know other similar breeds do, like the long haired version, afgan?


i'd have thought they would make a perfect dog for showing as phisically they are near perfect, in my view.


i agree, once they introduce betting the problems begin.


i just hope once the racing ban spreads to all states we dont see the end of this beautiful placid breed of dog.


my FOO is a GAP dog, my constant companion and friend. rosie my burmese cat might argue that point.

Message 10 of 215
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