on 18-02-2013 11:30 AM
Do not like the show, but may watch it because the stories I have heard of Hillsong are quite jaw dropping.
Nothing wrong with making money, though I think the lord may have a problem if you use him/her to accumilate personal wealth in their name.
on 18-02-2013 11:38 AM
Personal wealth? I don't think that's the case I think you will find they fund many many community programs. I didn't see the program or is it on tonight?
on 18-02-2013 12:01 PM
I am attending the Hillsong Conference later this year. There are some amazing speakers and bands. I am not a congregation member however.
on 18-02-2013 12:01 PM
They do have community programs
on 18-02-2013 12:04 PM
Not sure how much of this is true, but if it's false wouldn't the person running said site be sued?
on 18-02-2013 12:04 PM
c'mon its no secret that some of them have amassed huge personal fortunes . tax free.
on 18-02-2013 12:18 PM
doesn't every Church do that?
on 18-02-2013 12:25 PM
doesn't every Church do that?
Most churches do.
on 18-02-2013 12:27 PM
well other churches put it back somehow. catholic priests are often impoverished.. they certainly dont amass personal fortunes. years ago there was a popular movement in charismatic and pentecostal churches ehich preached 'the prosperity doctrine' complete with two favorite verses to justify 'Do not muzzle the oxen while he is treading out the grain' and 'The worker is worthy of his wages' both of these are old testament or jewish not new testament or christian.. but they sure are handy verses.
on 18-02-2013 12:36 PM
There is a book called "People in Glass Houses" it's about the Hills$ng Church. It's a great read if you can get your hands on it. As you read it, it may seem over the top but let me assure you it's pretty close to the money ( No pun intended) - I was there at that time and I do remember some of the things mentioned in the book. Unfortunately I don't have my copy anymore, I lent it to an (unbeknown to me) Hills$ng supporter and they burnt it, saving me from the demon of lies and deception apparently. No doubt the Hills$ng lawyer are working their tails off today trying to stop the story going to air.