on 18-02-2013 11:30 AM
Do not like the show, but may watch it because the stories I have heard of Hillsong are quite jaw dropping.
Nothing wrong with making money, though I think the lord may have a problem if you use him/her to accumilate personal wealth in their name.
on 18-02-2013 03:32 PM
The Catholic Church in Australia is probably asset rich, but I doubt if it or any of its individual employees has a vast disposable income.
on 18-02-2013 03:34 PM
I lent it to an (unbeknown to me) Hills$ng supporter and they burnt it, saving me from the demon of lies and deception apparently
on 18-02-2013 03:37 PM
"What kind of religion gets hold of your mobile number and spams you with 'joy joy' text messages, till you're forced to ring them & literally demand that they cease & desist?"
I've never heard of such a thing?! I wish I could give them ellys number :^O
on 18-02-2013 04:46 PM
i have no time for hillsong and if i had teens they wouldn't be allowed anywhere near them. i wouldn't trust this or similar organisation in any way.
on 18-02-2013 08:28 PM
I watched it... very boring... and I think they should tighten up tax laws...... any money spent on welfare/charitable deeds/assistance etc should be exempt. Not profits, nor wages though.
on 18-02-2013 11:21 PM
the upskirter was creepy
on 19-02-2013 07:09 AM
that whole piece was creepy, 10 mins of going over and over and over a 2 min interview?
on 19-02-2013 07:29 AM
Simple solution.........upskirter back to Brazil or wherever he came from and the Houston's back to New Zealand where they came from.
Let them preach their self serving doctrine of greed to a padock of sheep and lets see how good they are.
on 19-02-2013 08:18 AM
I am attending the Hillsong Conference later this year. There are some amazing speakers and bands. I am not a congregation member however.
$279 for a single adult?
that is a lot....i didn't pay that much for floor seats to see JB at the same venue
on 19-02-2013 08:55 AM
Ok well my concern is that ACA only produced part of the figures that suited them. what about the other figures, there were way more that explained expenditure than those few. They do pay personal income tax as individuals. Having said all of that I think it does need looking into by the ATO and tax laws need to be tightened but not just for Hillsong for many of the organisations avoiding tax.
Topside just because someone doesn't sue over accusations doesn't make the accusations true.