Had anyone here had a breast reduction?

I am seriously considering this surgery.  


I am sick to death of having such big boobs (14F).  No, I am not overweight and when I have lost weight it makes no difference (the great suggestions I've had in the past).  I do get back/neck pain and a lot of trouble buying clothes that fit across my chest (too big in the shoulders).  I live in stretch clothes!  I have to exercise in 3 layers of sports bras to stop the jiggle!  There are also no decent and sexy bras this side of an E cup.  I'd love to go down to a D!


Wondering if anyone has had it? I'm going to see a plastic surgeon in June (long wait to see the best boob guy in Melbourne!), and I'm aware there will be scarring.


If you had it:

- Is the scarring bad?

- How long did the scars take to heal?

- Has it helped your back/neck pain?

- Was it worth it?  Would you do it again knowing what you know now?

- What was the recovery like? (time off work).

- What questions would you ask your surgeon if you had your time over?


I know what a surgeon tells you isn't always reality. ie.  two weeks off work but you can't move for four!


Thanks in advance.



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Had anyone here had a breast reduction?

Had anyone here had a breast reduction?

Yes i had it done in 2004. Best ever decision...today they are still lovely and perky..lol. Find a good surgeon. Have lots of money. my scars took about 12 months to settle. One small complication with an infection, which was very quicky resolved!Good luck Hun!


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