Happy Australia? Invasion? Survival? day all :)

Community Member

I always fail at trying to talk about Indigenous stuff cos it always turns nasty - still not sure why that is...............


Anyway my little family making plans to celebrate Survival Day - yeah yeah SURVIVAL DAY - we celebrate we survied & are here but more importantly culture has survived, besides best efforts to kill it and us off


Now before the usual lot carry on and all the same old "get over it" blah blah blah - I wonder if you would consider something? Just think about this for a minute then on u go with ur day 🙂


Just imagine that when the japanese were bombing Aust, just imagine if they took over Aust, say Feb 9th 1942. Just imagine that for a minute. Japanese ppl all moved into your houses, you could ONLY speak japanese etc ect, not even gonna talk about killing babies, taking women, stealing children - just imagine they took over. And you are NOT happy about it 😞


Would you celebrate Feb 9th? They tell you its the day the country was made great, the best day, the day you will celebrate EVERY year? Would you do it??




We do celebrate it, I choose not to call it Invasion Day, I choose to call it Survival Day and we will celebrate it.


We are back out bush until the 27th so HAPPY Jan 26th - whatever you wanna call it, stay safe everyone and I can come back in here tonight and when in town - haters gonna hate but it would be cool to have a conversation without the **bleep**??

Message 1 of 88
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Re: Happy Australia? Invasion? Survival? day all :)

Hi Lobs,

I myself feel angry enough when I hear the leader of my Country talk about 'the First Australians...being those who arrived on ships and declared this land uninhabited (broke their own Laws of that time)..... even now some neglect to consider the real owners/ first people of Australia as what they are and that they 'were' here at that time.Those sorts of comments and attitudes aren't limited to him though .Amazingly some don't even seem to get what is wrong about claims like that .



Survival day is apt imo


and I still see it being  'Exclusion day' .

It's time for the 'Ex' at the being of the word Excusion to be what is should ..an 'In' 

It's so wrong that needs to be an issue in  our Country in 2014

It should go without saying 




Enjoy your time in the bush and Happy Survival day 



Message 11 of 88
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Re: Happy Australia? Invasion? Survival? day all :)

people with white guilt should do themselves and everyone else a favor and go back to europe

Message 12 of 88
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Re: Happy Australia? Invasion? Survival? day all :)

@*ibis wrote:

people with white guilt should do themselves and everyone else a favor and go back to europe

would you like to rewrite our Country's history 




as well as select who you feel should live here ?



Message 13 of 88
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Re: Happy Australia? Invasion? Survival? day all :)

Those who condone the mistreatment of the Aboriginal Peoples, past and present, have no conscience.and are selfish and arrogant.

"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 14 of 88
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Re: Happy Australia? Invasion? Survival? day all :)

Maybe those who refuse to accept reality would be better off with an ostrich as their ID.

Message 15 of 88
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Re: Happy Australia? Invasion? Survival? day all :)

Happy Survival Day lobsSmiley Happy



lobs wrote:

 haters gonna hate but it would be cool to have a conversation without the **bleep**?

(those that want to argue/disrupt go do it somewhere else please)

Message 16 of 88
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Re: Happy Australia? Invasion? Survival? day all :)

@*ibis wrote:

people with white guilt should do themselves and everyone else a favor and go back to europe

100%  agree.


Why are still to blame for what happened 226 years ago?  







Message 17 of 88
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Re: Happy Australia? Invasion? Survival? day all :)

lts called the black armband view of history.

Message 18 of 88
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Re: Happy Australia? Invasion? Survival? day all :)

Nero Wulf, I am an Australian who accepts the history and all of people in my Country 

are you are missing out on something  when Australians do that ? 


Message 19 of 88
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Re: Happy Australia? Invasion? Survival? day all :)

Happy 26th of January Lobs and family!

Message 20 of 88
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