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Happy Australia? Invasion? Survival? day all :)

Community Member

I always fail at trying to talk about Indigenous stuff cos it always turns nasty - still not sure why that is...............


Anyway my little family making plans to celebrate Survival Day - yeah yeah SURVIVAL DAY - we celebrate we survied & are here but more importantly culture has survived, besides best efforts to kill it and us off


Now before the usual lot carry on and all the same old "get over it" blah blah blah - I wonder if you would consider something? Just think about this for a minute then on u go with ur day 🙂


Just imagine that when the japanese were bombing Aust, just imagine if they took over Aust, say Feb 9th 1942. Just imagine that for a minute. Japanese ppl all moved into your houses, you could ONLY speak japanese etc ect, not even gonna talk about killing babies, taking women, stealing children - just imagine they took over. And you are NOT happy about it 😞


Would you celebrate Feb 9th? They tell you its the day the country was made great, the best day, the day you will celebrate EVERY year? Would you do it??




We do celebrate it, I choose not to call it Invasion Day, I choose to call it Survival Day and we will celebrate it.


We are back out bush until the 27th so HAPPY Jan 26th - whatever you wanna call it, stay safe everyone and I can come back in here tonight and when in town - haters gonna hate but it would be cool to have a conversation without the **bleep**??

Message 1 of 88
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Re: Happy Australia? Invasion? Survival? day all :)

@nero_wulf wrote:

@*ibis wrote:

people with white guilt should do themselves and everyone else a favor and go back to europe

100%  agree.


Why are still to blame for what happened 226 years ago?    




 From 226 years ago until the 1970s, (and up to today).  There are many alive who were responsible for the latter period.  There is still one currently serving MP who was in parliament in the 1970s when these laws were being enacted.



Message 21 of 88
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Re: Happy Australia? Invasion? Survival? day all :)

I have no guilt.

I have a bit of shame for the people who created the mess that saw the Aboriginal people almost eliminated though.

Message 22 of 88
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Re: Happy Australia? Invasion? Survival? day all :)

i have never wished anyone a happy Australia day.......thats weird.


but it is still Australia Day, i have a clear conscience.

Message 23 of 88
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Re: Happy Australia? Invasion? Survival? day all :)

Always love those that say Aboriginals should "get over it" are the first to scream that 'immigrants' are ruining "our" culture. Or that we've become too Americanised

Message 24 of 88
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Re: Happy Australia? Invasion? Survival? day all :)

Community Member

Every Australia Day the same blame game and guilt trip is pulled out.


Wouldn't you all think that after the formal apology there would be some reconcilliation.


 How sad that this resentment and bitterness cannot be put in the past.

We all want a harmonious co existence and still hope it can be achieved  after all that's been said and done to heal.

Message 25 of 88
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Re: Happy Australia? Invasion? Survival? day all :)

Lobs, four of my grandchildren are part Koorie. Their wonderful mother is a full blood native woman who is absolutely devoted to my son and their children. My son insisted that the children went to Koorie Heritage School on weekends to learn about the culture of their ancestors and be proud people.

They are all grown now, some with their own children, but I have never heard any of them mention Survival Day. I think they will appreciate it, knowing the history of Australia very well.



I think this thred is not about blame or guilt feling or shame.

It is about acceptance of our history and what really happened in the past.

We can all learn from it and try to be better people by shedding bigoted prejudice and whitewashing attrocious behaviour by our ancstors.



Message 26 of 88
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Re: Happy Australia? Invasion? Survival? day all :)

@silverfaun wrote:

Every Australia Day the same blame game and guilt trip is pulled out.


Wouldn't you all think that after the formal apology there would be some reconcilliation.


 How sad that this resentment and bitterness cannot be put in the past.

We all want a harmonious co existence and still hope it can be achieved  after all that's been said and done to heal.


_________________________________________________________________________________________ is time....why did you not leave the resentment and bitterness out ?




Lobs did 


Message 27 of 88
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Re: Happy Australia? Invasion? Survival? day all :)

I once lived in a small Cornish fishing village called Mousehole.

"Mousehole is three miles west of Penzance. ... Mousehole was raided and sacked by the Spanish in 1595. Four galleys with 200 Spanish soldiers, burned the village to the ground"

When I lived there none of the locals were concerned with  Spanish visitors, or even mentioned them. and Spain has never apologised.


Just checked my calender, it is the 21St century.




Message 28 of 88
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Re: Happy Australia? Invasion? Survival? day all :)

So whats everyones thoughts or suggestions as to what we should do for what happened 226 years ago?


Why should we be made to feel guilty for what happened 226 years ago by our forfeathers?   


Why do some play the guilt card on this subject and say they feel guilty for something that happened 226 years ago? 


What should the Australian People do?


Should we give the country back and  leave and go back to EU or where ever we came from?




Please do pass on your thoughts as I am lost as to what should happen and what we should do to make up for this event 226 years ago?


Why should we be made to feel guilty for what happened 226 years ago by our forfeathers? 


I would be pleased to hear the thoughts from lobs211 as well as to what she/he think we should do..... 


Another question to ponder and offer thoughs on, where would the Aboriginal people be today (progress wise and life style wise etc) if  the first fleet hadnt landed? 






Message 29 of 88
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Re: Happy Australia? Invasion? Survival? day all :)

Mere drop in the bucket in comparison? and some few hundred years earlier, who would be alive to recall the effects on them?

What we need is for everyone to stop being negative and feeling they need to defend themselves?

Message 30 of 88
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