Has anyone been hurt by a best friend?

Im reaching out to any females on this board for advice my what do you do when your best friend hurts you in a way that you cant think past it. I cant go into details as it will be a scroller netherless to say i havent been able to stop crying since yesterday while i know shes out having a great weekend.

We are both  in our 40s so not stupid teenagers i thought we would be friends for ever but it was the straw that broke the camels back so to speak i will miss her friendship doing all the girly things we did together as its harder to make friends when you get older.

Any advice is welcome












Message 1 of 22
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Has anyone been hurt by a best friend?

Yes it did happen to me, we were like sisters, it is worse then being hurt by a man because this is the person you shared all your secrets with.


I moved on but it does still hurt, even if it happened years ago.


Cant give you much advice but to move. hugs ((((()))))

Message 2 of 22
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Has anyone been hurt by a best friend?

My best friend has often hurt me with unthinking remarks.


But she's still my staunchest friend and has been for nearly 25 years and I forgive her.


Get over it, move on.

Message 3 of 22
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Has anyone been hurt by a best friend?

@icyfroth wrote:

My best friend has often hurt me with unthinking remarks.


But she's still my staunchest friend and has been for nearly 25 years and I forgive her.


Get over it, move on.

when you get really close to some one they generally are much more open and honest with you because you accept them for who


they are in spite of their flaws and everyone has them


some times being so close they unfortunately cross the line and unwittingly cause offence


try to get past it ,good friends are hard to find and it gets harder as you get older  

Message 4 of 22
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Has anyone been hurt by a best friend?

Yes, my best friend of almost 50 years has hurt me very badly couple of years ago.  She always could be bit thoughtless and say some very hurtful things, but this time it really got to me. 


I would just step back, and see how you feel after week or month. 


Does she realize how much she hurt you?


Voltaire: โ€œThose Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocitiesโ€ .
Message 5 of 22
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Has anyone been hurt by a best friend?

Community Member

I want details and I don't care if it's a scroller.  How can anyone help you get past it if they don't know what is wrong.

Message 6 of 22
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Has anyone been hurt by a best friend?

Thanks for all your replies. No my friend dosn't know she has upset me i might contact her next week for a face to face chat its not something i can do just by texting

Message 7 of 22
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Has anyone been hurt by a best friend?

you need to talk it out, if you can't resolve it, mourn the loss of the friendship and move on.

Message 8 of 22
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Has anyone been hurt by a best friend?

helenjoy, I agree with j*oono, its a bit tricky trying to give advice or support if you dont know details, and I dont necessarily agree that all behaviour can be forgiven, or 'gotten over'..some things are worth reacting to, other things its best to ignore..and some friendships end..

not helpful probably, but without details and assuming your friend knows she hurt you, and perhaps meant to hurt you- its a bit tricky.


It might be best for you today to just try to keep busy, go see a movie, or read a book, or go for a walk..try to escape your own feelings about it while you are still so upset..it just might help you get some perspective on it.


Message 9 of 22
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Has anyone been hurt by a best friend?

depends on the hurt like joono said.


if she killed your firstborn, don't talk to her again.


if she said "you have a FA" forgive her.

Message 10 of 22
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