Has anyone had breast implants done in Adelaide?

Hi, my 22 yr old daughter is looking at getting implants done.  Sadly she has never developed hardly at all.  I dont blame her looking into this but concerned if its safe etc.  She is a uni student to cant afford too much.  Can anyone tell me what dr they had and how much it cost?

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Has anyone had breast implants done in Adelaide?

Obviously something Polks has posted, you have determined was rude but I can't see that she was. She was offering information from her perspective, whether everyone agrees with it or not is another matter.

I wondered why it seemed to bother you so much.

Message 141 of 160
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Has anyone had breast implants done in Adelaide?



In that case, I'm sorry I offered the suggestion of trying forms, just trying to be helpfull. The only one I know personally would probibly be too far from you unless your in the Philly area. Why don't you do a internet search in your area, call them up for a consult? Ask them questions about aftercare and how they handle minor corrections if a problem should occur. I would imagine any doctor worth their weight would not charge more for fixing a problem with their work than the cost of the surgery center or hospital room.


The internet could prove very helpful, do searches on the names of doctors you are considering, if theres any that do bad work or have left a past paitent messed up and hanging in the wind, they most likely have articles warning others not to go to them. Many doctors know this and won't do anything that will give them a bad rep. Many doctors that do good work, followups, ect. will have patients singing their praises.


Fun Factor : Now you have a choice in chat, factor that
Message 142 of 160
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Has anyone had breast implants done in Adelaide?

People discipline their children when they throw a tantrum because they didn't get what they wanted, though in my experience, it is rare for a child to throw a tantrum when they get more than what they asked for.

Message 143 of 160
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Has anyone had breast implants done in Adelaide?

The very last place I would go to for the name of a surgeon would be an internet social chat forum. 


But I did give you the name of a doctor, an endocrinologist.  That's where I would start with my enquiries if I had the same dilemna.

Message 144 of 160
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Has anyone had breast implants done in Adelaide?

Hello, everyone. This discussion is getting a little heated. Could we please communicate with a more civil tone. Thanks!

Message 145 of 160
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Has anyone had breast implants done in Adelaide?

@muppet_detector wrote:

People discipline their children when they throw a tantrum because they didn't get what they wanted, though in my experience, it is rare for a child to throw a tantrum when they get more than what they asked for.

lol, depends on what the more was?

Message 146 of 160
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Has anyone had breast implants done in Adelaide?

Does green mean jealousy or vanity?

Message 147 of 160
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Has anyone had breast implants done in Adelaide?

I don't see a problem with asking for Medical Specialists names on a forum (can be sent to OP by msg), when looking for people who have had personal experience with the same issue an OP has/or their family member has.


They aren't asking for a diagnosis, just personal experience recommendations from others for medical specialists in their locality.

Message 148 of 160
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Has anyone had breast implants done in Adelaide?

Green is the color of nature.

It symbolizes growth, harmony, freshness, and fertility.

Green has strong emotional correspondence with safety.

Dark green is also commonly associated with money.

Message 149 of 160
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Has anyone had breast implants done in Adelaide?

first she said to go to a psychiatrist which i know she was having a dig and then posted a saying that we teach our girls to hate their bodies not called for.  Of course forums are good finding out what drs are good, ive had good suggestions of drs before on forums from others.  I can give you a hell of alot of drs in adelaide that are no good


For goodness sake just end it i have my solution we are going to Dr Who.

Message 150 of 160
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