06-01-2016 10:11 AM - edited 06-01-2016 10:11 AM
Having predicted that rain would not fill Sydney's dams, Professor FlimFlam was last seen at Como Boat Hire checking out the rates. The official figure for Waragama Dam's storage capacity as of 5th January 2016 is 94.5%. Check it out here:
To further discredit alleged Professor FlimFlam the newspapers are saying "NEW South Wales residents should stay away from rising waters as heavy rain hammers the state, emergency services have warned, and for some it is about to get even worse".
Professor FlimFlam seems to be intent on making a burlesque of his role as responsible adult.
07-01-2016 06:54 PM - edited 07-01-2016 06:55 PM
Horendous fire burning through the South West of WA at the moment, Deb. Preston Beach has been cut off- people are being evacuated off the beach by boat - and residents of Waroona and Harvey are being asked to evacuate.
on 07-01-2016 07:42 PM
Thoughts are with all those affected she-ele
on 07-01-2016 08:07 PM
Thanks Deb. It's not a threat to us here in Bunbury, but some people I know are watching developments very anxiously.
on 08-01-2016 10:36 AM
I heard that Yarloop is believed to have been destroyed, she-ele.
on 08-01-2016 02:11 PM
It's hard to take in, Blue. We used to drive through there quite often on the way to Perth before they built the Forrest Highway,there was an iconic local landmark known as "the Dalek" at the old timber mill there.I wonder if it is still standing.
They cancelled this weekend's Southbound Festival at Busselton last night, because both highways to the South West are closed and people have been urged not to travel by the only alternative route unless it is essential, The one good thing to come out of it though is that the organisers have been swamped with requests from ticket holders to donate their refunds to the bushfire appeal.
on 09-01-2016 01:22 PM
A few years ago, I spent a bit of time in WA near Beela and became very, very fond of the SW. I wish that all of my loved ones would agree to WA because I'd love to live there. I quite liked Pemberton. Bunbury was nice, too, but the place I loved the most was Denmark, closer to Albany.
Bush fires are horrible things. I hope that everyone stays safe.
on 09-01-2016 02:12 PM
Pemberton is one of my very favourite places, Blue.
Things are looking a bit more hopeful today The fire is only 5 k from Harvey, but has slowed right down so they should be able to defend the town. It has spread quite a long way East though into the Darling Range.
on 09-01-2016 02:31 PM
There was a lovely cafe that we would go to each time that I was in WA and no matter how much time had passed, the owners always remembered us.
on 09-01-2016 07:20 PM
And now the winds have picked up and they are evacuating Harvey! This is an absolute nightmare. The poor fireys must be utterly exhausted. Thank you NSW! Reinforcement are currently arriving from your state and should be on the frontline tonight or tomorrow morning.
The rest of us can only wait and hope. The problem is the fire is now burning over such a vast area that whichever way the wind blows someone is going to cop it.