Has anyone watched the closing ceremony?

Rio 2016 has ended, but I was a little disapointed. I expected more colour from Brazil. The costumes were great and so was the dancing and formations, but the light show turned everything to much red and the monotonous drumming made me turn the sound down.


Brazilians are well known for their colourful festivals, music and dancing. I wish they had less light shows and concentrated more on their traditional, colourful costumes.


Well, it's over now. All the sports men and women have performed to their best. It was fun watching the different events, as much as I could while awake. Now the preparations for 2020 can begin once everyone is home again. I hope that I will still be around to watch the Tokyo Olympics.


Hopefully they won't turn the ceremonies into a Pokemon hunt.


Message 1 of 36
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Has anyone watched the closing ceremony?

"Well would you Adam and Eve it ? Even before the gold nosed, 'victoRIOus' named aircraft carrying the contestants back from the games has touched down at Heathrow, the BBC are discussing Tokyo 2020 ! ! !"




e*m*b . . . that's because it's no longer a true sporting (and truly sporting) event. . . . it's all about the money and the interests of commercial enterprises and you can't make money once the store is closed for the long weekend.

Message 31 of 36
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Has anyone watched the closing ceremony?

Community Member
I've been wondering the same thing joh
Message 32 of 36
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Has anyone watched the closing ceremony?

What really spoiled the Olympics?


I think it was the permission for professionals to participate and the use of steroids and other drugs.


You are right Joh, it's all about money.


I remember many years ago (can't think of the year) the outcry about some chinese female swimmers that had shoulders as broad as wrestlers. I don't think they were ever tested for steroid use and were never banned from the sport.



Message 33 of 36
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Has anyone watched the closing ceremony?

Has anyone watched the closing ceremony?

Thank you, David.

I never realised there was so much going on in the 1970ties as well.


Going back and through the years makes one wonder why people still call it a fair sporting event.



Message 35 of 36
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Has anyone watched the closing ceremony?

(cut and paste from news.com)


With $340 million ploughed into this four-year cycle, fans are questioning whether the underwhelming results represent value for money.

Aussie athletes have so far scooped 27 medals, at a cost of $12.5 million per medal at this stage.


I can think of a lot more worthy causes on which to spend $340 million of TAXPAYERS; MONEY.


I didn't watch the closing or opening ceremony, or anything in between.  I am not interesting in watching individuals  who can run down to the local shops and back faster than me.


The Olympics is not  about sport....it is about the sponsors and advertisers....ie money.

Bring back the days when the competitors had to be amateurs.

Message 36 of 36
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