Heading off to BALI today

Community Member

I know I haven't been on here in a long time.....I have had quite a year!


I'll be filing for divorce in June....  bought myself a new car, my job is brilliant and now I fly out to BALI today!



"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night."
Message 1 of 19
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Re: Heading off to BALI today

I think Rabbit you will find it was a while ago... time flies and once you start making the right changes things start to fall in place.. Dyno has obviously made the break she needed to and is now in a better spot.. 



Message 11 of 19
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Re: Heading off to BALI today

Dyno also got her dream job decent a pay rise in the mean time!

her life has improved immeasurably since her separation!

good luck to her! X

Message 12 of 19
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Re: Heading off to BALI today

How life changes in such a short time


More like how life has improved for the better for the OP.

Message 13 of 19
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Re: Heading off to BALI today

"and to think - not many weeks ago I was trying to raise a few dollars for you to pay off your daughter's car.  How life changes in such a short time."


Yes, 8 months ago - how time flies.


I guess I should have written "How lives can change in such a short time".


Anyway, best of luck to dynogrl and her pirate and her daughter and not forgetting her ex of course.

Message 14 of 19
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Re: Heading off to BALI today

Rabbit, the important thing to remember Dyno didn't ask for financial help from anyone, she asked for advice only. It was kind of you to offer financial assistance,  i'm sure Dyno was most grateful, but possibly a little embarrassed at the time. It's wonderful to see her happy content and enjoying her life now things have settled. Who know's the Bali trip may have been a gift, we don't know this, so let's just be grateful for her happiness.

Message 15 of 19
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Re: Heading off to BALI today

My daughters are in Bali at present - it looks beautiful.  Would love to go there one day.


Hope Dyno is having a wonderful time - she deserves it after such a traumatic time.

Message 16 of 19
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Re: Heading off to BALI today

rabbit... the pirate sailed off into the wild blue yonder as planned. 

Message 17 of 19
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Re: Heading off to BALI today

Community Member

Thanks for the well wishes everybody.....sadly I'm back in Sydney.  I had the most glorious time in Bali 🙂


Sadly while I was away the ex came down to stay (I wasn't aware that this was happening).  He had a meltdown yesterday and I tried to talk to him about it today....he proceeded to tear me a new one for an hour...finishing off by telling me he should have smashed my head through a wall years ago.  I'm to blame for all the ills in his life (he was quite irrational....in between ripping me apart he was telling me he loves me still ?:|)


He kind of took the shine off my holiday...I was on such a high from my trip

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night."
Message 18 of 19
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Re: Heading off to BALI today

Community Member

You always come down to earth with a thump after being in Bali, those of us that go often call it Baliitus, the only cure is to book your next flights! 

Message 19 of 19
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