on 14-10-2014 09:39 AM
on 14-10-2014 04:10 PM
Either one they have tiger stripes like real wild cats of Africa
on 14-10-2014 06:08 PM
I have a friend who was a bengal breeder and all of my cats are from her. The one with the long legs, Willow, is th eonly one that I have had since she was a kitten; the other two were adults when they moved in,one of them is from the same litter as Willow.
Bengals came into existance when an Asian Leopard Cat was bred with a domestic cat. Over the years the ALC was bred with ocicat, abyssinian, egyptian mau, british short hair , siamese and burmese until these days most bengals are at least 4 or 5 generations removed from the Asian Leopard Cat. They are referred to as hybrids and were almost banned from the country at the same time that Peter Garrett had the Savannah Cat banned.
I'd say to anyone who wanted a bengal to do some research into the characteristics of the breed because they are not like other breeds and to buy from a reputable breeder who discloses the results of ALL the relevant tests.
on 14-10-2014 11:00 PM
I agree with blue with the exception of rescuing. You can never be sure.
Mine both had a very nasty illness that caused them a lot of pain and it took quite a while of treatment and TLC to get them were they are now. They are pretty perfect now though.
I do believe that mine are from good stock. You just have to look at them to see.
They are very loving, it's just different from other cats. My man cat is very close to his beginnings, He is very muscular.
Blue how do yours interact with your burmese. Mine just want to kill my moggy. Fantastic with the dog and chooks though.
I would just like to say that mine were from a registered breeder whose life took a nose dive and unfortunately the cats suffered.
on 14-10-2014 11:30 PM
on 15-10-2014 12:14 AM
This one was gorgeous. He is not my cat and sadly was hit by a car and died but he was so beautiful and almost made me mortgage the house to get one like him.
15-10-2014 07:45 AM - edited 15-10-2014 07:50 AM
15-10-2014 07:51 AM - edited 15-10-2014 07:52 AM
on 15-10-2014 12:05 PM
She may have been a regstered breeder but she was definitely not reputable or responsible. There's a lot that went on that you do not know about and her and her husband ought to be ashamed of themselves.Your cats are so lucky to have been rescued by you. I hope the others were as lucky.
My boy looks as though he came from good stock, too, but it turned out that his father tested positive for a degenerative eye condition which leads to blindness within a few years. The breeder knew this but continued to breed from him and not disclose the full test results, hence, all of the kittens sired by that particular cat have the probability of carrying that gene. My boy was sold as a breeder because of his quality so was very, very expensive but fortunately, he wasn't very amorous so only produced three kittens. I don't know what the results have been. Tzar's father has since been retired which should have happened as soon as he tested positive . .
Bengal breeders have pretty much perfected the look but the insides still need to be worked on.
They get along fine with the burmese. Willow can be a bit of a bully and if she was given a report card, it would read,"Doesn't play well with others". lol. Tzar is a big, easy going doofus who loves everyone and everything. Rumer doesn't think much of other cats and apart from fighting with her sister, doesn't spend much time interacting with the others. Ashka just goes about her business.
on 15-10-2014 12:27 PM
Beautiful cat, Joono. A shame that it died like that. Once you have one bengal, you;d either never ever have another one or never ever be without at least one.
The Asian Leopard Cat, itself is about the size of a domestic cat and has huge round eyes and short round ears. I don't remember how many generations removed mine are but I think it was something like 7 or 8.
on 15-10-2014 10:21 PM
My boy isn't far removed, probably just legal, but my girls look like yours.
Oh I know there is heaps I don't know about 'you know who', and because of that I have to be ummm diplomatic.
To allow these babies to get as sick as they did, makes me boil. If I was a breeder and could not meet the standard of care, I would have gladly given them to good homes or shared them amongst the many breeders out there who would be prepared to have them immunised.
Maybe we could have a coffee at the cat cafe when I do my next Melbourne visit and have a brag fest 🙂