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High School Bans Twerking

Hello! what do you think of this?


We're all for busting a Miley move here and there but can you imagine your school principal seeing you twerking at the formal?  Umm that would be #awkies !


So perhaps it makes sense that one US high school has banned the trend from its home coming dance.

Annapolis High School in Maryland has issued a contract to be signed by students and parents, stating that "No sexually explicit dancing will be tolerated."


Annapolis Principal Susan Chittim told The Capital Gazette that the sultry moves by some make other students feel left out.

"This, unfortunately, has become the norm. Some of this crazy dancing makes others feel uncomfortable."


What do you think?  Has this school taken extreme measures?  Is it ok to break it down hardcore on the dancfloor or should school formals and dances be twerk-free zones?


I couldn't stand the thought of my daughter in her formal gown standing there thrusting her hips at a boy or another girl. Gross!

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Re: High School Bans Twerking

Hi Mon Smiley Happy


I think Miley Cyrus a very naughty girl for her performance in that VMA video and if I was a practising Christian I would say she's fallen to the Devil!

Message 2 of 9
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Re: High School Bans Twerking

I would have no problem to the no trashy dancing rule lol
Message 3 of 9
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Re: High School Bans Twerking

@love*today wrote:
I would have no problem to the no trashy dancing rule lol

As doing the bump?

none 'o this dirty dancing thang?


sticking to the waltz and tango thingy?

Message 4 of 9
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Re: High School Bans Twerking

i wouldnt want one of my kids doing that


nor having someone try to dance with my kids like that


especially my young impressionable daughter





Message 5 of 9
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Re: High School Bans Twerking

Do I really have to elaborate?!!

I don't mind dancing or even touchy dancing but all this skanky trashy **bleep**.....I don't want to see it or want my kids around it.
Message 6 of 9
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Re: High School Bans Twerking

@love*today wrote:
Do I really have to elaborate?!!

I don't mind dancing or even touchy dancing but all this skanky trashy **bleep**.....I don't want to see it or want my kids around it.

dancing is nice. it's civilized. but all this sexy jerking around, I don't want to see my daughter doing it i think it's disgusting, that's all.

Message 7 of 9
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Re: High School Bans Twerking

It is thirty years or so since some girls from private schools in Brisbane adopted the practice of not wearing underwear to their formals.  There was a lot of lap-sitting as the night wore on.  Don't know what happens now.

Message 8 of 9
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Re: High School Bans Twerking

@polksaladallie wrote:

It is thirty years or so since some girls from private schools in Brisbane adopted the practice of not wearing underwear to their formals.  There was a lot of lap-sitting as the night wore on.  Don't know what happens now.

Ja'mie Private School Girl would probably know Woman LOL

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