How Many Posters Here Use.......

.......a C-PAP device while sleeping?


It seems like everyone I know here at home uses one.........


I underwent a "sleep study" the other day, and naturally they determined that I needed one.  Second worst night's sleep of my life, only exceeded when "Taters" was hogging the bed.......


Which brings up the question.............why didn't we all die in our sleep before they invented this machine?

Message 1 of 18
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Re: How Many Posters Here Use.......

I know some people who use them. I would think it would be very uncomfortable. Is taters your husband? 😉
Message 2 of 18
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Re: How Many Posters Here Use.......

"Taters" was an old girlfriend, so nicknamed from the phrase............"All that meat, and no taters"..........once she got going, she would have the dogs in a 6 block radius ululating with her............

Message 3 of 18
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Re: How Many Posters Here Use.......

If I did I wouln't admit it, mate. Ay! 

Darn good sock
Message 4 of 18
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Re: How Many Posters Here Use.......

Gotcha, so many women here on C/S. Still tryin' to remember who's who. Sorry bud!
Message 5 of 18
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Re: How Many Posters Here Use.......

yes I use a cpap machine

Message 6 of 18
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Re: How Many Posters Here Use.......

No wonder there are too many people in western countries. Forced breathing while asleep?? What next? Forced feeding? Forced defecation?

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 7 of 18
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Re: How Many Posters Here Use.......

@poddster wrote:

No wonder there are too many people in western countries. Forced breathing while asleep??

Spoken by a twit who has no idea how or why a CPAP machine works

Message 8 of 18
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Re: How Many Posters Here Use.......

Hi. I'm a 59yo male, diagnosed with sleep apnea over 3 yrs ago, and have used a cpap EVERY night since. It wasn't kicking the bucket that worried me so much as falling asleep every day around lunch. As an office worker, I became the butt of many jokes, so took action, and after diagnosis, purchased a F&P Icon machine, and have experinced far better sleep than I can recall!


It IS worth persevering, and consult with your sleep specialist to ensure the machine is set up right for you. Vary the pressure, the humidity, qwhatever you need to get it right. Trust's worth the trouble!

Message 9 of 18
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Re: How Many Posters Here Use.......

Sincerely interesting.

How does the machine regulate the breathing?

How does the machine actually communicate with your body to tell it to breathe/regulate breathing AND not wake you up?


Recommendations for best machines and models would be appreciated too.....and costs to expect to pay for a decent machine please.

Not for myself btw.

Message 10 of 18
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