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How hard can it be I thought :-D

8 down 4 to go. 

It's only taken me since Tuesday


Catching guinea fowl.

One I have caught 3 times the blardy houdini


So any volunteers my place about 5pm thanks Woman LOL


Blessed are the cracked, for they are the ones who let in the light.
Message 1 of 29
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Re: How hard can it be I thought :-D

Just read the guinea fowl on the motherearth google site.  


"Don't catch them by their legs." 


Better forget about my chook crook then.Smiley Frustrated



Message 11 of 29
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Re: How hard can it be I thought :-D

Apparently they taste like pheasant richo Woman LOL

Blessed are the cracked, for they are the ones who let in the light.
Message 12 of 29
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Re: How hard can it be I thought :-D

Council request lurker. Some sweet soul doesn't like them.


When I first moved here the neighbours asked if they could just cruise around because they are good for the garden and keep snakes away.


I said to let me know if they became a bother. Neighbours said that won't happen.


In the last few months there have been houses built on the Guinea fowls land. They still feel they have the rights to it and wander in. Guess the newbies don't share the same views.


I had intended to catch and relocate some anyway, but now they are all leaving. The first 6 are already on their new 40 acre new home.

I keep telling the two that are avoiding me that they will love it on the farm. Not listening, but then they are teenagers, not quite adults yet.

I feel a bit sad that I can't keep any now. 

It's because this area has suddenly become built up.

Blessed are the cracked, for they are the ones who let in the light.
Message 13 of 29
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Re: How hard can it be I thought :-D

Oh, that's a bit sad 





Message 14 of 29
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Re: How hard can it be I thought :-D

Yep That's what I thought lurker Woman LOL

Blessed are the cracked, for they are the ones who let in the light.
Message 15 of 29
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Re: How hard can it be I thought :-D

wow,that's awful! can you visit them on the farm,i hope? 

taste my religion! nibble a witch! ๐Ÿ˜„
Message 16 of 29
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Re: How hard can it be I thought :-D

Hopefully the whinging newbies will soon be overrun with snakes and bug riddled gardens.....why on earth can people not just speak to each other....

Message 17 of 29
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Re: How hard can it be I thought :-D

That's right ducky but people just don't.

I could have kept a few, but as soon as council are involved they say that they must be housed elsewhere.

What gets me is that people can have screeching cockatoos in cages that aren't even big enough to keep a budgie in, but a naturally nomadic bird can't stroll the foot path because it comes back to roost at my house. I should ask council to control the corellas because there are hundreds of them in our yards screeching.


I can visit them any time I like, because they are living on a friends alpaca farm. No not the one in the cold case investigations lol.


Actually I know that guy, but not a friend, not even considered an acquaintance.

Blessed are the cracked, for they are the ones who let in the light.
Message 18 of 29
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Re: How hard can it be I thought :-D

oh, all guineas present and accounted for.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand pst pst shhhhhh, I am going to try to keep my lavender baby. I found it wet and motionless on the ground as a newborn. I took it in and sat in front of a heat lamp massaging it, and suddenly little heart beat. The resurrection has nothing on me folks Woman LOL

Blessed are the cracked, for they are the ones who let in the light.
Message 19 of 29
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Re: How hard can it be I thought :-D

People are idiots. Next thing you know, those stupid people are going to put poison in hummingbird feeders too. 


I love guinea fowl. I'd love to have some. 

Of course you are keeping your lavender baby. 


I was laughing the first time I read your thread. When I found out why you were trying to catch them, I screamed obscenities at my screen. flipping potholes.

no siggy
Message 20 of 29
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