How terror threats have changed my outlook on life.

During the period of the Martin Place siege at the Lindt cafe, my son, DIL and infant granddaughter were in lock up in seperate buildings for many hours.
I was terrified until I found out that they were safe.
Last week they were again locked down when another siege threat was made in Phillip Street.
This time I was merely concerned, not terrified.
When and how did the unthinkable in this country become the acceptable.
That in itself is terrifying.

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Re: How terror threats have changed my outlook on life.

yeah.....i'm not really concerned about cromwell

at this point...  good article though:



It can only be a good thing that people are again thinking about Cromwell. Because as we look to the east, to the fanaticism that is sacking the cultural and artistic heritage of other ancient societies, we can all draw the same, inevitable conclusions about religious extremism in any age, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, or Buddhist. None of it is pretty. All of it is real.



we need to see it for what it is.

religious extremism is to blame - it is

very dangerous and very real.







Message 71 of 106
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Re: How terror threats have changed my outlook on life.

How dangerous and how very real in Australia?


Have you been sucked into Abbott's -death cult - spiel?

Message 72 of 106
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Re: How terror threats have changed my outlook on life.

They murdered (shot) innocent people standing in fish and chip shops waiting to buy their dinner!



i'll ask again - who were the terror attacks aimed at?


if you can answer that then maybe you will see

the difference!


In Australia - did we start a fear campaign about Catholics? Brand them all as potentital terrorists?


why would we? 

how did the ira affect  us  in australia?

(btw the ira was not religious org. the northern

ireland issue is political not religious ) 





Message 73 of 106
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Re: How terror threats have changed my outlook on life.

@jean2579 wrote:
You are right Martini, I didn't realise it until the Lindt matter.
My DIL works for the Federal Govt and my son is involved with the courts.
They were unconcerned until they learnt that their daughter's nursery was also locked down and that they could not get to get to her.

It is a concern and as easy as it is to say don't worry, putting that into practice is not so easy.  

My daughter works in areas that I consider risky but so far so good and I hope it stays that way as she worked so hard to get into the job she has and the new one she's going to.  

Message 74 of 106
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Re: How terror threats have changed my outlook on life.

There was a live pipe bomb left outside one of the local high schools last week, lucky the headmaster discovered it in time, very worrying

Message 75 of 106
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Re: How terror threats have changed my outlook on life.

@am*3 wrote:

How dangerous and how very real in Australia?


Have you been sucked into Abbott's -death cult - spiel?

no more than the opposition leader.

he supports our gov in fight against isis.


but i'm more interested in what the experts have

to say.  





Message 76 of 106
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Re: How terror threats have changed my outlook on life.

(btw the ira was not religious org. the northern

ireland issue is political not religious )


In Northern Ireland religion IS political and always has been - ever since the confiscation of Catholic held land and the "plantation" by the British Government  of English and Scottish protestants in the 17th century'


People who never set foot in church from one year's end to the next still define themselves as Catholics aor Protestants and either parade or protest every 12 July.

Message 77 of 106
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Re: How terror threats have changed my outlook on life.

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

(btw the ira was not religious org. the northern

ireland issue is political not religious )


In Northern Ireland religion IS political and always has been - ever since the confiscation of Catholic held land and the "plantation" by the British Government  of English and Scottish protestants in the 17th century'


People who never set foot in church from one year's end to the next still define themselves as Catholics aor Protestants and either parade or protest every 12 July.

The Old Orange Flute

Message 78 of 106
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Re: How terror threats have changed my outlook on life.

@am*3 wrote:

@idlewhile wrote:

What many of you miss is that the world will never go back to pre 9/11.


We are in the midst of an Islamic uprising the likes of which we have never seen before. It will end up in a war that will engulf  the Middle East and could precipitate a nuclear incident.


The nit picking of the many on here trying to keep their heads wedged firmly in the sand because we have "only" experienced a couple of "minor" terrorists events and making comparisons to excuse those attacks is alarming to read.


The mealy mouthed criticism of the PM who is in the midst of  doing everything a good and responsible PM should be doing at a time like this is sickening.


What is he supposed to do? hide under the bed, don't "offend" anyone and hope that it will all go away.


We are not privy to any information he may be getting, we are not privy to anything at all but we are privy to the sensible warnings he gives to radicalized Muslims not to go and join ISIS because as we can see they are the one's being used for "cannon fodder".


They are the one's ISIS are using as suicide bombers and they are the one's beheaded   if they find that it's not all that exciting and want to come home.





How has my life changed since then? Not at all, really. I got on an international flight, not long after that happened. People asked me how I could do that.


Increased security at airports - I can live with that. Increased security in the US for tourist attractions, places a terrorist may strike, I appreciate why that is necessary.


Tony Abbott and his 'death cult' statements - all designed to stir up a certain part of society (as evidenced here) and to get their votes.



Not that I ever doubted where you're coming from and what your stance is but that statement proves it.

I'm staggered that you think like this and even more disturbed that you would type it out and post it on here.

Message 79 of 106
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Re: How terror threats have changed my outlook on life.

 It may interest some people on here to know that not 

All free thougt and ideals are motivated by politics or religion



Message 80 of 106
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