on โ18-05-2015 10:50 PM
on โ20-05-2015 02:09 PM
Don't bother looking because that's not what was said. Nobody said ISIS is a beat up by Abbott.
lol that is what they meant:
Tony Abbott and his 'death cult' statements - all designed to stir up a certain part of society (as evidenced here) and to get their votes.
on โ20-05-2015 03:09 PM
on โ20-05-2015 03:13 PM
lol have you seen isis spongebob on
on โ20-05-2015 04:44 PM
@bright.ton42 wrote:
@idlewhile wrote:
@opmania wrote:Terrorism certainly has changed my Outlook
It has opened my eyes to a type of people who would undermine
All others for the sake of religion and set women back
2000 years
Religious conflict has been going on through history but
At this point in time you might think we could learn by other people's
Mistakes and not go bacwards in time
The thing that disturbs me is the support of the religion that deems beheading and ruining womens lives and all the other despicable practices it extols.
And the absolute hatred for the PM who is doing what he was elected to do and that is to secure our borders and secure our country from terrorists.
As for the so called small minority of jihadists in the world? well I have already posted that it is in the millions and millions who support ISIS.
As for the mindless comment that It's all a beat up by Abbott to get more votes? votes from whom? the Muslim community?.
I cant be bothered to go back and see who said that but whoever did is beyond naive. ISIS a beat up by Abbott?Words fail me.Here it is below.
@idlewhile wrote:What many of you miss is that the world will never go back to pre 9/11.
We are in the midst of an Islamic uprising the likes of which we have never seen before. It will end up in a war that will engulf the Middle East and could precipitate a nuclear incident.
The nit picking of the many on here trying to keep their heads wedged firmly in the sand because we have "only" experienced a couple of "minor" terrorists events and making comparisons to excuse those attacks is alarming to read.
The mealy mouthed criticism of the PM who is in the midst of doing everything a good and responsible PM should be doing at a time like this is sickening.
What is he supposed to do? hide under the bed, don't "offend" anyone and hope that it will all go away.
We are not privy to any information he may be getting, we are not privy to anything at all but we are privy to the sensible warnings he gives to radicalized Muslims not to go and join ISIS because as we can see they are the one's being used for "cannon fodder".
They are the one's ISIS are using as suicide bombers and they are the one's beheaded if they find that it's not all that exciting and want to come home.
How has my life changed since then? Not at all, really. I got on an international flight, not long after that happened. People asked me how I could do that.
Increased security at airports - I can live with that. Increased security in the US for tourist attractions, places a terrorist may strike, I appreciate why that is necessary.
Tony Abbott and his 'death cult' statements - all designed to stir up a certain part of society (as evidenced here) and to get their votes.
on โ20-05-2015 04:58 PM
None of that C&Ping says ISIS is a beat up by Abbott.
on โ20-05-2015 05:29 PM
Please yourself as to just how low you can go to defend that type of statement. It doesnt surprise me after reading your hundreds of posts on here day after day.
on โ20-05-2015 05:33 PM
on โ20-05-2015 05:52 PM
@idlewhile wrote:Please yourself as to just how low you can go to defend that type of statement. It doesnt surprise me after reading your hundreds of posts on here day after day.
There is no defence of that statement because nobody ever said that ISIS was an Abbott beat up.
on โ20-05-2015 06:07 PM
What do you think it means?
on โ20-05-2015 06:09 PM
There is no defence of that statement because nobody ever said that ISIS was an Abbott beat up.
Tony Abbott and his 'death cult' statements - all designed to stir up a certain part of society (as evidenced here) and to get their votes.
that's what a beat up means.
to sensationalise something.
by 'death cult' abbott was referring to isis.
the poster accused abbott of using it to stir up